I.C.C. Arrest Warrant for Putin

  The I.C.C. is basically 123 countries who agreed to set up a court to enforce laws worldwide for crimes against humanity.  

 The ICC has a warrant out for the ARREST of the President of RUSSIA !!! Please think about this for a moment. 

 They also issued an arrest warrant for this dumb, Slavic looking bitch who is in charge of Child services in Russia. 

 They are accused of taking 16,000 kids out of Ukraine. Thats a war crime. 


The Blue countries will arrest Vlad if he enters their country and most of those green ones would arrest him and turn him over to a blue country ... lol 
 The Children of Ukraine are the innocent victims of this war. Russia invaded Ukraine and took the kids. 

 Vlad is soon to be making a preplanned trip to South Africa. It will be interesting to see if he goes. S.A. is not part of the ICC but what if his plane was forced down over an ICC country ? It could happen . 

 Slava Ukraine and fuck you if you disagree. 

 This thread was written by Stan 


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