
Showing posts from April, 2023

Nothing to see here ...

 Move along 

Then Stan got $hitty

   Short update on the neighbors ... 

The opinion of my Boss

   HA HA HA 

Stan had Hostages

    ha ha ha 

Back Yard security

Love thy neighbor like you love that other neighbors wife. 




Shlapping Sunday !

    Ahhh, t’is a lovely day to shlong shlapp your significant other. Today is official Shlong Shlapp Sunday. Happy Shlapping!     We would like to thank URSA for writing this thread.  Stan added the Pictures. 

Attention 421 haters, report this thread.

   Someone who writes threads for this blog has figured out when blogger employees go home for the weekend.   That same person also promised full nudity on this blog and they said they would leave it up until Monday morning and then take it down before the Blogger people clock in for work.   It would take a really silly troll to figure out how to do such a thing and then announce it before they did it.   Of course we would never do such a thing on this blog. Its also Saturday morning. Blogger still has people at work until this afternoon :) 

421 National Surprise Drug test Day



   The Fox News  corporation used to claim to be "fair and balanced". They do not claim that anymore.   Fox news just LOST 780 MILLION dollars to Dominion Voting Machines for telling lies. They knew they were lies. All the people at fox news knew it was bullshit and Dominion had proof.  THEY BACKED TRUMPS CRAZY THEORY AND THEY FORWARDED HIS LIES... and it almost cost them a cool one billion dollars...     I bet they dont let the Pillow guy rant about the "stolen election" and Jewish space lasers and all that other wacked out bullshit in the next election ...   The amazing part and the sad part is how much influence these idiots have and how some idiots eat this crap up because they are not capable of critical thinking .   I just like to remind the stupid Republicans how stupid and horrible their party is now. The Democrat party has always been horrible so you fuckers should not get uppity either,   Trum...

Companies and views

   When companies take on political issues, they often loose.   Budweiser pissed off all the rednecks in the country with their gay ads. Trying to be socially progressive with a beer for rednecks who like shitty beer ? Good luck dumbasses.   I will tell you about the company politics where I work.   We sell cabinets and cabinet doors.   Q: What is our public view on gay marriage ?  A: Cabinet doors ...   Q:W hat is our public view on republicans VS Democrat ... ?   A:Painted cabinets and stained cabinets...    Q:What is our companies public view on politics ?  A: We sell high quality cabinets and cabinet doors. (the hardest part of the cabinet to make is the doors and thats what Stan is usually making.)   Businesses are for making money and providing products and services...  If your company gets in trouble for some stand on a controversial issue ... your company is run by IDIOT...


 My Grandparents were awesome people. The were part of the "greatest" generation   That Generation is almost gone now and I miss them.   Thank you for killing the Nazis and winning the cold war.   Did you have awesome Grandparents ? Are they still alive ? Tell us about them :)   

867-5309 Baby I got your number

   I want to wish everyone a happy Monday. I have big plans today. Make a phone call, change some lives .... hopefully for the better.   I encourage everyone to help others achieve their goals, even if its just making a phone call. Its the little things that matter   No one likes a cockroach. Best of luck to you all. 

Trump was the 45th President

 Stormy Daniels has gifted the world with great knowledge about our former President.       I would like to take this time to thank all the people who contacted blogger about this thread.  Nothing to see here .... move along ....  I love having a blog and a dog 

Top secret information at this Blog.

   Here at the 421st we often disseminate inseminations for foreign nations for better relations and online congratulations.      We really dont, but this stupid mother fucker does. Jack Teixeira is sitting in federal custody. He faces many years behind bars for the crimes he committed. In his position, he knew this was wrong and illegal. He should go to prison.    Teixeira will be charged under the Espionage  Act.  The Espionage Act makes it a crime to remove or transmit national defense information.     Do you know who wont be charged with the Espionage act  ? 1. Donald Trump 2. Joe Biden  3. Mike Pence   These three mother fuckers are guilty of breaking the Espionage Act and all three are running for President next year.   Fuck Republicans and Fuck Democrats.   Both parties are full of crooks and criminals who rob this country blind while they get the masses of...

What's Your Beef: Friday Edition

  Do you  have a beef with someone on disqus? In real life? Let's talk THE BEEF! If you have an old beef, new beef or not enough beef...share it with us! What or who is bothering you today? Is something on the news as of late got you miffed?  Let's all kumbaya the beef!

Budweiser targets the trans consumers.

       The entire Budweiser marketing department should be fired.   The people who own Anheuser Bush are going to be making much less money for a little while.   The interwebs are abuzz with articles and interviews with bar owners and beer industry workers who all say the same thing. Budweiser sales just took a HUGE DIVE.   As a fifty something American, I am fascinated with this silly woke horseshit. I am also much more liberal on social issues than the average Budweiser consumer that I know.   Budweiser is the preferred beer of the white working class. This has been an observation I have made in my life. You can disagree with me if you want to, but I am correct. ITs the preferred beer at football games and drag races and bowling alleys and crash up derbies and all things great and American.   As a man who is married to a woman and does not drink alcohol, I have no dog in this fight, just observations.  ...

My dogs are Killers !

   I let the dogs out this morning and when they would not come back in I knew they were up to something.   When I chased down the German Shepherd she had a dead fuzzy thing in her mouth, it was dead so I threw it over the fence ( I own the land on the other side of the fence, I am not a bad neighbor)    As I was throwing the dead fuzzy thing away I hear some squeaking from the other side of the yard and the poodle and the GS are chasing something else.   I got it away from the poodle. Me and my wife now have a half dead baby rabbit to nurse back to health. We dont know if he/she will make it.   Wish us luck .... friggin dogs ... 

Dyngusday Day And Other Customs

  Nothing says "you're mine" then whipping a nice village woman with a pussy willow branch and then pouring water on her legs afterwards.  Thanks for the info, Mat! What are some other customs that are strange or odd? Please share!

Happy Easter 421st'ers

  Happy Easter. I hope you are all planning a nice day with family & friends and great food. Remember Jesus is in heaven now......watching. ....and waiting. Do you celebrate Easter? Do you have any traditions or had any fun ones as a kid growing up? 

Gay Mario is no good at poetry

     Anyone got $20 I can borrow ?       

Marijuana Question

     While smoking marijuana and pondering the fate of the universe I often have funny thoughts.   So I was thinking about white trash bags being better for the environment, but I know they are made from oil and oil is black. So the black ones are probably better for the environment. Paper bags would be best, but who takes out trash in paper bags ?     Then I started thinking about white trash as a racial slur and a bunch of trashy whites standing in front of a mobile home park. Then I thought, "who are you to judge these people Stan?"   Because when I ask myself questions stoned I always use my name so people dont think I am crazy.    Then I thought about that one night and that one week and another night ... and I was remembering fun times a trailer parks.   What color of trash bags are the best ?  

Thursday Thoughts

 Here's a lazy thread as no thought has been put into it. 😁 Talk, mingle, come one people, you know what to do!