Can You Keep A Secret


Pssssssst. Come closer. Can you keep a secret?

First off, I think there is a very big difference between keeping someone's privacy and keeping a secret. For instance, I might know something about a particular user online because I have spoken to them privately but that's just that....private. It's not my place to share someone's business, location, situation etc. if asked not to. 

A secret though is intentionally withholding some information from others. 

Now, there is some good secrets like a surprise party for your birthday or a special evening planned for your anniversary etc but what about secrets that are withheld that really impact how you view life or more importantly, yourself. Secrets about being adopted or some women carry the secret shame/guilt or of pregnancy loss/abortion or perhaps abuse or a sexual assault. For some men it might mean learning they are not the biological father of their child. And we've all (most likely) experienced being cheated on. You feel the shame of being the last to know and the pain of not just the break up but the lies that were told to keep their affair a secret. As if that  secret was more important than your feelings.

Secrets can take a serious mental toll on our lives. Do you have any? :D

Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.


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