How To Start Your Own Religion: A Book By Philip Athans


I stumbled across this book title and found and thought it would make for an interesting discussion topic here. The book is titled How To Start Your Own Religion: Sway The Minds of Millions in Five Easy Steps.
Just five easy steps, Mr. Philip Athans? Why......its almost like anyone can do this! When reading about the content of this book I love that the ABOUT  stated:

"If you ever felt the need to sacrifice on an altar beneath a blood-red moon, or just make a Friday a holy day (three day weekend, anyone?) this is the only sacred creed you need!"

Some of the steps include:
Organize mysterious and complex rituals
Interrogate (or just ridicule) the hell out of non-believers (Remind you of anyone???????)
Recruit celebrity spokespersons from Tom Cruise to Uma Thurman

What would the mission statement of the 421st Religion be? What would be our rituals?

What rituals do you find interesting or absolutely crazy from other religions past or present?

Do you think all religion is a crock or does it hold a place in society? Is religion the same as a cult or is there a distinct difference?

Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.


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