Nothing Ever Goes According To Plan And Other Life Thoughts


Nothing ever goes according to plan. A thought that I have been struggling with, well...all my life.

I am a planner. I make lists and like Santa, I check them twice but once the trip/event/idea etc gets going life shows and up throws in a wrench. For the Australian people that's a spanner. Good thing with spanners though, they are adjustable!

And while I am easy to adapt to trip or event changes, I am not always easy to adapt to life goal changes. I very much take solace in routine. In fact, routine is what makes me thrive as a mom and wife. I recently have been asked to take more shifts at my job and work more. Working more is good. It's an easy decision, its more money, its what "the regular people do" (I kid....I kid...) but its been a long time since I've put in a full work week. It's been lunches and pick ups and my own schedule of doing things. But now its "bye mom" and off they go and then out with friends after school and hang out after dinner. They don't need a certain aspect of me like they once did. 
"I have to change what I am doing"
And move into a new phase of doing things. I just have to catch up to the rest of them.

How do you adjust to change? 

How do you deal when plans change? Are you flexible? Do you struggle?

Has life gone to plan for you?

Do you ever dig your feet in the ground and refuse to change your mind about things? A person? A view or opinion?

Share your thoughts, answers and feel free to post any memes/pics/songs that go with today's conversation. 
Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.


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