The Iron Ore Brothers

   I grew up in a little Florida town that was next to the town that was on the coast. I had it kind of rough as a kid, but many kids had it much rougher so I wont complain. 

  One such group of kids was the "Iron Ore" brothers. There were six of them. Iron Ore daddy was one of the most notorious drunks and trouble makers in town. He had these 6 boys during one of his times he was not in prison. 

  Now these six boys were all one year older than the next.. so they ranged from my age to the age of my oldest brother. They were known as the roughest and meanest white trash motherfuckers in town, and they were. 

 The youngest Iron Ore brother turned out to be nothing like his brothers. He was actually a nice guy even though he was one of the bigger, meaner looking ones. These boys loved to play softball for some reason and I would often see them at the local park while i was messing around being a kid. 

  One day they asked me if I wanted to play so I jumped in and had a great time. After that they would come by my house and pick me up in an old truck and I would ride in the back with a few of them to play softball.  When my older brother found out who was picking me up he warned me against hanging out with them because he said they were all trouble. 

  I did not think they were trouble. I was just a kid who wanted to play and have a good time with other kids. All the Iron ore brothers got to know me and they never had a problem with the skinny kid they picked up to play softball with. 

 We soon moved to the next town over and I did not see the Iron Ore brothers anymore. Most of them got kicked out of school early so I never really saw them much after that. 

 Until..... a few years later. I am 16 years old at a beach party with my girlfriend.  Two guys were getting ready to start a fight with each other so of course all the drinking teenagers had to watch. 

  The oldest Iron Ore brother was there with one other. There were two of them at this party. The younger of the two brothers gets into an argument with some guy I did not know. We all thought these two guys were gonna fight ... until ... this is the fun part 

  Some girl who was from my school was dating the quarterback of the football team. This quarterback was a BIG white boy. He was like 6'6" .. he was tall and big.. 

 So the quarterbacks girlfriend starts to berate the younger Iron Ore brother. The other guy was smaller than the Iron brother he was squared off with and this made the quarterbacks girlfriend mad. 

 So QBs girlfriend starts yelling " why are you messing with someone smaller than you" Why dont you pick on someone your own size ..." and other assorted stupid bitch statements. She obviously knew her boyfriend was a mountain of a young man and she was a cocky little lady with a big mouth. 

 I knew who the Iron ore brothers were so I knew this shit was gonna get interesting. So after the girl starts yelling at the younger Steel brother to leave that guy alone and telling him what a pussy he was for messing with someone smaller ... The older Iron Ore brother got kind of pissed off at her statements. 

 The older Iron Ore brother runs up the the six and a half foot tall quarterback with the loud mouth girlfriend and just punches that big fucker as hard as he could. The Quarter back got the shit knocked out of him,

  When the quarterback hit the ground the guy grabbed his T shirt from the bottom and pulled it over the guys own head ( a trick he probably learned in prison, they were rough) 

 He then just starts throwing fucking haymakers at this big dudes head and the big guy can not see or do shit. 

 The whole thing probably lasted less than a minute from start to finish. The Quarterback was unconscious and I saw his face as his friends loaded him into a car... He was a bloody fucking mess. It was fucking scary to watch .. They QB got fucked up bad. 

  While QB was getting his ass beat I will never forget the SCREAMS of terror coming from his girlfriend. She went from big mouth know it all with the biggest boyfriend, to a screaming bitch watching her man take a prison beating that her big mouth brought on.  

  My girlfriend yelled " thats bullshit" when the older Iron Ore brother started to beat the QB. I squeezed her hand real hard and said " you better shut the fuck up unless you want me to be next one they grab, I know those guys" 

  That was the end of the party. Throw down your beers and get moving because you know the cops will be here soon.... 

 Another fun night in the 1980s in Florida :) 

 The lesson of the story ... big mouthed women can get your ass beat. I have seen it :) 


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