Falsely Accused: How Should We Deal With Such?


Recently a man in California received an outpouring of sympathy as he claimed he was set on fire for simply being gay. The suspects fled the scene as the man was only out on the street at 10:40pm looking for a employment at a local near-by restaurant. What an outstanding citizen! Later it was discovered that victim for not such and in fact sustained his injuries because he was attacking a pregnant woman who had to defend her self against him thus resulting in the burns.

Making a bold face lie like that can be really damaging and stir up more drama than anticipated. 

Have you seen any other stories in the news where someone has been falsely accused? Share those stories for the discussion!
What do you think the punishment should be for those that make up such a crime or falsely accuse someone else?
Have you ever been falsely accused of anything? How did you react or handle it?

Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.


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