Religious & Political Zealots vs The Woke Mob: Is There A Difference Between The Two SIdes?


There is many religious people whose sole identity is their faith and the rituals they perform to honour their faith whether it be a attending church, preforming certain ceremonies for their dead, repeating prayers each day, holding talismans  etc. Each act strengthens the believer and confirms their faith and over time, these acts become the primary identity of that person. This person and many others like him/herself join together and become a community of sorts. For most, this is a support system that can offer some solace in a world that is chaotic HOWEVER for some, it becomes extreme. Think of a woman who wears a loose fitting hijab going from market to her home and then getting arrested or worse....

Most people keep their politics to themselves but it is easy to connect with other who hold the same voting values you do. It might be easy to converse about the latest voting polls or what's going to happen to the school district their kids both attend but for others they let their political views become the sole purpose they wake each day. Like the religious zealot, they cannot differentiate NOT being political everyday. Like appeasing their deity, they MUST correct other and show them the path to their view of righteousness. And if the others do not follow this path, they must be shown how to follow the path!

Like the two above groups, I feel like the extreme gender woke mob (note: this DOES NOT mean just holding an opposing view) is not much different than those they think they are fighting against. Most of us can and DO have strong views but in general, we try to work within the system we have and we give space to others who feel differently even it means debating women spaces or sports.  But it is when the extreme gender group MUST  tell you why your beliefs are not only wrong but deadly or hold deadly consequences.  If you disagree, you might meet those same deadly or violent consequences. Sound familiar?

Is there any similarity between these three groups?

Is there NO similarity and its each a separate issue to itself?

How is your Friday? Do you have plans for the weekend?


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