Stanislav Rzhitsky, When Karma knows where you run

  Stanislav Rzhitsky was a submarine commander. He was in charge of the sub when it launched missiles that killed 22 Ukrainian civilians.  

 He went for his usual jog in the morning and got paid a little visit from Karma and a Ukrainian. 


 He was reported to have been shot 7 times, twice in the back of the head. 

 Stanislav is such a funny name for a Slav. ITs like Stan, but even more Slavic. 

 So even if you have a really cool Slavic name, you should not go around killing other Slavs or one of those Slavs will pay you a visit. 

 Only 140 million Russians to go and Ukraine will win the war. 



    I wish there was some way I could send Ukraine another bicycle and some ammo. 


 This poorly written article was posted by Stan. Fuck you if you disagree. 


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