Celebrities Asking For Charity


Often charities use celebrities to spread awareness for their cause. To be clear, I don't think this is wrong as these celebrities have a larger following than the 421st and while I know you find this shocking...its true! They really have an opportunity to spread awareness about causes that you....might not be aware of. 

Spreading the message or feeling passionate about a cause near & dear to ones heart and wanting to share that passion with others is a great thing. We need more of this from everyone when its genuine. When its genuine, you can tell. But what happens when it comes off fake? Or worse, you act like a spokesperson for the charity but you don't give to the cause or even really care. Recently there was a telethon type charity hosted by celebrities asking for money on behalf of others in their industry that are getting shafted by Writers Guild Strike. People with stupid amounts of money asking YOU to give their co-workers money so essentially those co-workers will be be able to make them more millions the next time round. This is what I mean about not feeling genuine.

Do you think celebrities should be the face of charity? Does this impact your donation or awareness?

Do you think sometimes celebrities just use their platform to promote causes they don't truly believe in or stand behind? 

Which celebrities have you seen be fake when it comes to standing behind a charitable cause?


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