Do You Think Disqus/Blogging Makes Us Share TOO Much?


Do you ever feel like we share too much of our thoughts online with others?

Oversharing can pose many risks from doxxing to hacking one's identity or even knowing where you live. Some even go as far as forming a relationship status in their own mind about you and if you make that person mad, say the wrong thing....they truly hate you in their real life. 

There is an aspect that great about being online and connecting to multiple people in an instant from all over the globe but you run the risk of people with not great intentions being on those very same platforms. You also might find yourself saying things about political thoughts, moral decisions etc that you might not normally share with others and suddenly finding yourself defending yourself or worse, being told you must be awful because you believe in "this decision" "like that person or thought" 

Do you feel like you share too much online sometimes?

Do you judge others when they share too much? Are the judgements you make the very same things you would say to that person face to face?


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