Cancel Culture

  The culture of the canceled. 


 I dont really think "cancel culture" is a new thing. There have always been boycotts and lets never forget tar and feathering. 

 Back in the pre industrial days, before electricity and motor vehicles there was no such thing as Cancel culture. If you did something so shameful and stupid to earn the scorn of the entire community they would cover you with tar .... then cover you with feathers and then beat your ass. 

  So much of the world is full of sensitive sissys now. 

  I think we should go back  to the tar and feathering days. 

 No one covered in tar and feathers after receiving a nice ass whipping is going to complain about cancel culture... Just sayin 

 Next time someone complains about cancel culture, ask them if they had to give back a Grammy. Then call them a pussy. 


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