Moon Landing

                        421 moon landing facts. 


 Here are a few facts about the moon landings. 

1. Only white, male Americans have walked on the moon. Its not like we did not have qualified black pilots, but I think the Tuskegee Airmen had enough of  that bullshit by that time.  Those poor guys played hell getting in fighter planes, they were not foolish enough to try to get to the moon with those same white boys.    

2. Some people  deny the moon landing ever happened. Those same people will not deny satellites, or the space station or the fact that they can reach in their pocket and pull out a computer/phone that can call China. They will get in a Boeing   757 and go 500 mile per hour to Bangkok with 300 other sex tourists and still deny that we went to the moon. 

3. Americans had a four wheeler and golf clubs on the moon. Yes, people of lesser nations take heed. Over 50 years ago we put several white boys on the moon to play golf, ride around in a four wheeler and hang American flags.  You can hate on America if you want, but its not a good look. 

 So next time you look at the moon, you will know that you are looking at the most segregated place in the solar system. Only white boys have been to the moon.  

 This is a picture showing how far Alan Shepard hit his two golf balls on the moon. 


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