Texas Woman & Doctor Fight To Terminate Pregnancy


Yesterday we discussed the right to end one's life compassionately when ill but this case, although different in age, is not too far off.

A woman in Texas is seeking approval for an abortion from the state for her baby diagnosed with Trisomy 18. Most babies born with such will not live beyond a week or two if they don't die in the womb beforehand. Those that do survive birth can go on for a few months but will not leave the hospital. The babies generally remain motionless and need constant medical care until their passing. 

This mother of already 2 will suffer the loss of her child regardless but carrying this child is now causing her severe cramping, uterine lining leaks and possible destroying her uterus to carry a healthy child again.

Does the state have the right?

Does the mother have the right?

Do Doctors not get a say?


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