Birds are not real

   There was recently a fake drone bird who came to this blog. All Birds are drones because birds are not real ... Power lines are just recharging stations for Bird/drone spies. 

  Some people think Birds are real. They are fools. 


    Birds are fake and they spy for the government. 

 They have infiltrated peoples homes and yards. 

 The birds will never take over this blog

I just found out about the "birds are not real" movement. Its fucking hilarious ... 

 From now on when some fuck wit starts to explain his Trump/q-anon theory to me, I will reply with talk of fake birds ... Because Trump supporters only get my scorn and mockery now .... Its fucking ridiculous. 

PT earned his ban .. I saw him threaten someone. I know what I saw you silly birds. 

We are still missing a bird. If anyone sees her, please tell her I never meant to make her mad. Even if she is a drone and not real. 


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