More artists needed.



  Recently one of our most promising Windows Paint artists stopped posting at this blog. I hope she decides to return, but that will be her decision. 

 If you have never tried windows paint, well you are missing something.  Let me explain. 

 First you take a picture from anywhere and download it on to your computer. 

 Then you open windows paint, Paste a couple things and cut them to the correct size and BLAMMO 

 Its a modern creation to share with your friends and loved ones on the internet. You can make custom pictures for everyone you know. Let me give you another example. 

 With the above action footage I was able to make a picture of Willie Nelson as part of the 421st Hunting club .... 

 Dont believe me ..... you say ? 


 Anything is possible with Windows Paint and Marijuana. 

I hope you have found this post inspirational and not offensive. 



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