2,000 mules = MAGA fools


  The organization "True The Vote"  is the group that collected and shared the evidence that helped to make the movie 2000 mules.

 This group has claimed to have evidence of much voter fraud, in Georgia and elsewhere. The Georgia Board of Elections took them to court to make them reveal their proof of fraud during the election. 

 The Lawyer for "True the Vote" appeared in court to reveal the evidence. He said he had no names and no documentation to support any claims of voter fraud in Georgia.  

 Trump and his idiot minions often site this movie and the claims of these dishonest assholes. 

 TRUE THE VOTE JUST ADMITTED THEY HAVE ZERO evidence ( in a court of law). 

 You M.A.G.A. people are a shit stain on America. Trump will go down in history as a warning to future generations.  If you support Trump, you are a fucking moron. He is a criminal who wants to get rid of the constitution.  

 Fucking liars and fools ... Thats what MAGA is. I cant wait for that fat orange bastard to end up in prison.  



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