Taylor Swift for President


 Who can save America ? Only one person has the brains and the guts to lead America into greatness. 

 She is way better than the two 80 year olds all you idiots love. 

 I am going to vote for the Libertarian candidate. They have not chosen a candidate yet. The Libertarian wont be in his/her/thems 80s 

 I love how Trump supporters make fun of Bidens age .... Because Biden is too old ... so they say .... 

 Here is some math because I know Trump supporters are fucking morons for the most part ... 

If Biden is too old to be president now.... 
And Trump is three years younger .... 
Wont Trump be one year older than Biden is now in his last year of his term? 

 The answer is yes ... If Trump wins .. he will be one year older than Biden is now ... In 4 years ... And they make fun of Bidens age. 

You MAGA people truly make me ashamed to be American ... bunch of fucking tards 


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