Trump releases Trump brand shoes

  Trump was at Sneakercon and he showed the world some new Trump branded shoes. 

 I wonder where they are made. Trump is going to keep manufacturing in America. I heard him say so at a union rally for Trump.  Trump paid a non union factory owner $20,000 to use his shop and talk to a bunch of non union workers holding up signs that said " Union workers for Trump" 

It was quite a shits show if you missed it.   

These Ugly fucking gold shoes will only be worn by the most distinguished idiots. I hope all Trump supporters buy the gold shoes. They will go great with the red hats. 

 Idiots are much easier to avoid or aim at if they all wear the same retard costume. 


 The gold Shoes are $399. If he sells one million pairs and he can buy them for less than $49, he might have enough money to pay off his most recent 355 million dollar fraud case THAT HE LOST... because he committed FRAUD ... MANY MANY TIMES .. in just this one case :) 

 I recently was told that I write too many Trump articles. Fuck you. 



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