RIP Pony


Pony's daughter posted this on today's blog.

Hello. I was given these account details but it doesn't look right, but will post like this anyway as what i have
to say is enough.
Our Dad passed away the weekend before last. It happened quickly but was not a complete surprise given his recent health deterioration.
Our Mum didnt really know any of his friends from his younger years and Dad asked me just before his passing to let school friends, sport friends and 2 online communities know in the event he passed.
My Dad was a big gamer and spent time on Discord. The other place was here on Discuss as he never had Facebook, Twitter or Tik Tok.
He will be missed dearly by Mum, myself and my 3 sisters. No there were not 9 of us. He thought that was funny.
This message is for his friends on Discuss.

I asked her to link his obituary so Pony's friends can respond. I am sure she can provide the details in the next day or two.


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