Is Elon killing Tesla ?


 This is the 421st "Stupid Question of the Week".  These questions will now be posted whenever Stan gets a little too high and thinks of stupid questions. 

Elon looks like the kind of rich motherfucker who will have his body frozen after death until we have the technology to remove his brain and put it into a tortoise. Why would Elon put his brain into a tortoise ?  Good question. Let me explain. 

  Elon knows that tortoises are some of the longest living land animals. When his brain is placed into the tortoise, he will then know that he can outlive all other beings on earth with human brains. 

 Then Elon will destroy all the brain switching medical technology on the planet and just wait for all the smart people to die. With his knowledge collected before and after his long tortoise life, he will have the ability to easily take over the world. 

 In the mean time Elon would waste 100 years eating marijuana and fucking other turtles. 

 You think this sounds crazy ... 

What if I told you about some crazy rich guy who wanted to make space rockets that landed themselves and electric cars with gullwing doors ? Shit sounds crazy dont it? 

 Disqus is a silly place.... Lets keep it like that :) 


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