No More O.J. ?

   Many people have recently started to report the demise of O.J. I would like to report that O.J. is fine and available at any grocery store near you. 

  I thought that something might have happened to California and Florida. Those states are both ok. ( as ok as they can be) 

 Orange Juice is good for you. 

 In other news. Norm Macdonald is also not available anymore. He was one hilarious pollock. Its not racist when I say it. Fuck you if you disagree. 


  Norm MacDonald got fired because he refused to stop telling O.J. Jokes.  

When he was threatened with his job, he told more O.J. Jokes. 

 Norm Gave no fucks, and he was a very funny man. We lost someone special the day Norm MacDonald Died. 


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