What to do when someone won't take a hint?


Why some people can’t take a hint.

In the 1980s Rodger Bailey used the LAB Profile to do extensive research on people in the workplace and he found that about 7% of the working population are not able to make much sense of body language or non-verbal communication. These people do not show many emotions and have little variation in their facial expressions. The focus of their attention is on their own feelings, rather than on what others are feeling. They can only tell how well the communication is going based on their own feelings, and they are only convinced by the content of what someone is saying, not by how it is being said. They actually miss many of the clues which are available in body language and voice tonality, and don’t pick up the hints that people often provide through tone of voice, facial expressions, etc.

-David Klassen LinkedIN

How do you deal with folks that can't take a hint?


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