Dreaming about Trump


  I had a dream. 

 I had a dream where the most corrupt and dirty piece of shit to ever enter the White house ends up in prison. 

 Its just a dream. A dream where we live in a country where the rich get thrown into prison as fast as a poor person. 

 It was a dream where a president of the United States does not think he gets special treatment to conduct illegal acts. 

 Its just a dream. The jury is in deliberation. 

It is a possibility that Trump could be sent to prison for decades if convicted and sentenced like a normal person would be. He probably wont be.  

He was found guilty of 11 counts of contempt of court and only made to pay fines ... 

The judge said he did not want to throw Trump in jail ... those were almost his exact words ... look it up .... 

 Here is a special test for you Trump idiots to try. Because you think Trump is getting treated unfairly. 

 Go in front of a judge in a real courtroom and get convicted of contempt of the court.  

I know of a guy who cursed a local judge once during a trial. The judge found him in contempt on the spot and gave him thirty days in jail. 

 The judge asked him if he had anything else to say and the guy said "F you" again to this local judge ... she gave him thirty more days ... 

They guy and the judge did it ten times before the bailiff grabbed the guy and took him to jail.... 

 He spent almost a year in jail for what trump got a slap on the wrist for.... 

 I dont expect much more from this trial. 

But I do love to see Trumps fat ass and his retard supporters squirm 



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