Welcome to the 421st


  Welcome to the 421st new people. This blog aims to be a dumpster fire. This blog has been fairly successful. The great thing about a dumpster fire is that no matter what you add ... It just burns brighter ! 

 There has been an influx of people new to this blog and I think that is awesome. These people come from 




I posted these sites so yall can visit. These sites seem to be very cool and neither one has banned me yet. 

Midnite social is kind of MAGA-ish .. but they dont seem to ban for silly reasons. 

Snake social seems to be more common sense and less political stuff and they dont seem to ban for silly stuff. 

So please dont accuse all the new people of being socks of mine when you have had too much to drink :) 


 The reason for this blog is fair moderation. 

Most blogs have shit moderation, this one does not. 

The only rules are no threats and no porn ... 

Nudity is fine.. your opinion is fine .... your thoughts on anything is ok to post here. 

 If Disqus aint fun ... you are doing something wrong. 

 This is gonna be fun ! 



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