White Privilege


  As a man of European decent, I am amazed at the number of people who think  being white has advantages. 

  Most of us are aware of sunburns. Most people with darker skin dont turn red and BLISTER ... ( use sunscreen) 

  Let me tell you about my newest discovery of white privilege that I possess . Viking Disease . 

 Yes, Viking disease  is when the little finger tells the rest of your hand to fuck off because they aint working there no more. 

 Then the little finger gets horrible arthritis in the joints and the joints swell up as the finger  slowly gets crooked while also not being able to straighten. 

   My finger has got too painful and I am now ready to have it cut the fuck off. 

 Even as a child, I could not straighten out this finger .. So I just never cared .

  Lets look at the common factors in this malady. 

  MALE ... check 

 Scandinavian DNA .... check 

over 50 .... check 

physical work ..... check 

Heavy alcohol consumption .... check 

Smoker ...... check 

Thin build .... check 

My pinky finger now stays at a 90 degree angle to the palm of my hand unless I am thinking about it. 

Viking Disease and sunburns ... I am not sure if I would trade these for Sickle Cell, but you get the idea.  


 The shit is really starting to hurt ...... 


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