Choose who ?



 I watched all of about 5 minutes of the Debate last night. 

 America rolled out a convicted rapist and felon ( one rape, 34 felonies and counting) to argue with someone's dementia suffering grandfather. 

 If you are a huge Trump or Biden supporter, let me thank you ... THANK YOU FOR HELPING TO FUCK UP OUR COUNTRY 

 The two party system is broken ... We have 350 million fucking people in this country and the best we can do is a choice between  sleepy grandpa and Uncle thieving rapist ?  

 As an American who votes and works and does all the things I am supposed to do, you other mother fuckers are letting me down. 

 These two men are a fucking embarrassment to this country and if you dont think so, you are part of the problem. 

 The debate was too god damned cringe to even watch ...

 So my choice is a Rapist/felon/dictator for a day and Sleepy Grandpa 

 I will vote for the gay 39 year old Libertarian kid ....   FUCK REPUBLICANS 

             FUCK DEMOCRATS 

              Vote Libertarian 

 This Thread was written by Stan, the local Libertarian of the blog. If you disagree with Stan, Please explain below ..or go fuck yourself and whatever crooked political party you belong to. 


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