How to get rid of dirty Immigrants


  Between 1880 and 1920, four million Italians immigrated to the United States. 

 The vast majority of these immigrants were from southern Italy and most had backgrounds in agriculture and farming. 

There was much backlash about these Italians taking jobs away from Americans. 

 Most of them were Catholics and the United States had a Protestant majority.  

 Southern Italians also tend to be of a slightly darker complexion than Northern Europeans. 

 So imagine a place and time where the "native" population does not want immigrants with darker skin and a different religion. I know its hard to do. 

  The paragraph below was copy and pasted from Wikipedia. 

 One of the largest mass-lynchings in American history was the mass-lynching of eleven Italians in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1891. The city had been the destination for numerous Italian immigrants.[11] Nineteen Italians who were thought to have assassinated police chief David Hennessy were arrested and held in the Parish Prison. Nine were tried, resulting in six acquittals and three mistrials. The next day, a mob stormed the prison and killed eleven men, none of whom had been convicted, and some of whom had not been tried.[12] Afterward, the police arrested hundreds of Italian immigrants, on the false pretext that they were all criminals.[13][14] Teddy Roosevelt, not yet president, famously said the lynching was indeed "a rather good thing".[15] John M. Parker helped organize the lynch mob, and in 1911 was elected as governor of Louisiana. He described Italians as "just a little worse than the Negro, being if anything filthier in their habits, lawless, and treacherous".[16]

The Italians at the time had a lower criminal conviction rate than natural born Americans. 


 So do you hate dirty immigrants coming to your country ? You might not be the only one .. 

  You might be happy with your xenophobic  view on immigration. Ignorance is bliss.  


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