Trump is Too old

   Trump just did a two hour interview without all his teeth.  Normally, I would not make fun of an old person just for being old. Trump is not normal. 

Trump did a bro talk with Elon Musk ... He sounded like Donald duck  

  Trump is too old to be President. Joe Biden is also too old to be President. Joe is not running so now we only have one old geriatric bastard to get rid of.  

 Trump is the oldest person to ever run for president. 

 Trump is older now than Reagan was when he left. 

 Trump is so old that he thinks biracial people have to pick one race.  

Trump is so old that after a high school career of sports and average grades ... that he then had bone spurs too bad to serve in the military .... less than 18 months after finishing high school.  And he does not have any bone spur related problems over 50 years later ? 

Some might think that he avoided military service ... 

THATS HOW OLD HE IS ... HE AVOIDED THE DRAFT  .... People my age have never been drafted  

 Trump is so old That he was 60 when his youngest adult son was born.  LMFAO. 

 That did not stop him from sticking his micro penis in a porn star while his wife was home with their newborn. 

 Trump is a piece of shit 

If your a Trump supporter ... YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON 

 Its ok ... We know who you are .... its kind of obvious 


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