Trump and Hitler


 Sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G 

 First comes attempted coup   

Them comes marriage 

 Then comes a 12 year old incest victim with a baby carriage 

 Trump is not Hitler .... But Trump sure did admire his generals obedience.  

 John Kelly tried to tell Trump that the generals tried to kill Hitler 3 times. 

 Trump did not get the meaning  of that. 

 I did .... I like John Kelly.. I think he actually knows about our constitution.  Unlike Trump and all his god damned retard MAGA cult members 

   But dont take my word for it. TAKE TRUMPS WORDS FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 So do you take the word of Trump over John Kelly ? You take the word of a lifelong Democrat and 34 time convicted felon and rapist over one of the most distinguished soldiers alive today ? 

 You Trump supporters are all fucking UNAMERICAN RETARDS 

 The Non Americans who support Trump should also be ignored. Bunch of wanna be fascist worshiping Russian trolls. 




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