Weddings, Kids and growing old.



 We recently attended my nieces wedding.  My Niece was a beautiful bride and her husband looks like the perfect match for her. 

  They had two little ring boys and two little flower girls, They were all dressed up and so frigging cute. 

  I also realized that we get to sit in the front at all the family weddings now. 

 When I was a kid, I always sat in the back of a wedding like all the kids ... I remember that my grandma and grandpa would get the good seats in the front. 

 As I was sitting there in the front row I was thinking about my grandparents. Where they would be sitting and how they would look. Of course they are gone now. 

 Then I looked at my sisters and my wife. We are the grand parents now. We are the old people who will be remembered as always getting to sit in the front.  

 In other news besides thinking of mortality at a wedding... My son is dating a beautiful  young lady who is from eastern Europe. It was my first time meeting her. After the wedding I told him that they would make the most beautiful little Slavic children. I liked her. I am ready for that one to get married ... But he is too much like his father.  

  So Now all the people who accuse me of only making political threads will deride this post because I only talk about myself. 

 Sometimes you just accept things for what they are and appreciate the moment.

Or go fuck yourself 

 Its your choice  


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