Whore or Rapist ?


 In a few short days our great nation will get a new leader or old leader in Trumps case . Or New old leader .... Or old New Old leader  Something like that. I smoke dope. 

 Kamala Harris got her District Attorney job because she sucked Willie Browns cock. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a liar or delusional.  I am not saying she was not qualified ... I am just saying its a coincidence that the most qualified woman also swallowed Willie Browns load several times . Kamala is not very far to the left. 

Anyone who says so is either a liar or delusional . 

 I dont want any of my nieces or grand daughters to grow up to be like Kamala. I hope they can land good jobs without fucking a guy ten years older than their fathers. 

 What can I say about Trump that I have not already said? 

1 Lifelong Democrat 

2 bankrupt 6 times 

3 34 felony CONVICTIONS 

4 Found Liable for RAPE 

5 Stole secret documents 

6 tried to steal an election 

I could go on and on about Trumps horrible wanna be fascist ass. It would make no difference to his retard cult of white trash sister fuckers. 

 So what is the solution? 

 I dont know. 

 I am going to smoke some pot and vote for the 30 year old kid who is happy to be gay and armed ... He sounds kind of silly until you look at the competition 


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