421th POLL
The editorial team at the 421th is reaching out for input by the blog readers and commenters.
If you could, take a moment to read the choices and tell me your favorite 421 threads of the past few years.
So please pick from one of the following categories or suggest something else if your idea is not represented.
1. Cooking. Would you like to hear how Stan makes oatmeal and coffee? Do we need to do a thread about how to make a proper peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the non Americans ?
2 Ashli Babbitt. Would you like to read some more about this very special American ? She was special.
3. Rape. With Trump winning the recent election, rape is always an issue.
4. Micro Penis. This subject might become more relevant now that Trump will be president again.
5. Stans dog stories ... They are adorable and everyone loves them.
6. Stolen Elections. This one ties in to our very popular Ashli Babbitt threads. If you have proof of a stolen election please post it here. We are still waiting for Proof that the 2020 election was stolen.
7. Conspiracy Talk. Are you the only Flat earther who saw the Jewish Laser beams? If so we can talk about it.
If you have any suggestions and you have never wrote a thread here, you can fuck right off. I have been asking others to write threads here for months. Some of you have and we all appreciate it. Some of you have not.
Regular Users of this blog are allowed to post threads. All we ask is that the content is original and not get the blog shut down.
The only rules we have are
No Threats/Doxxing
No Porn
No Inappropriate pictures of children.
Most of yall know the rules but the Libertarian writing threads here loves to Troll MAGA Republicans because they are not really conservatives.
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