Texas Christians got the Bible Banned.


 Texas House Bill 900,  A Republican backed Bill that bans public school libraries from having books that "describe or Portray sexual conduct" was passed in 2023. 

 Canyon Independent School district school district superintendent Darryl Flusche explained to a bunch of stupid people that removing the bible from his Texas School District is simply following the law. 

 Many of the local parents who voted for the Republicans who passed this law are now upset because no one told them that the bible has rape and bestiality in it. 

 If you are a right wing retard who wants to "protect" children from incest and rape and homosexuality and bestiality stories ..... They will ... YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS 

 Censorship is stupid .... so are most Republicans.  I rest my case 

     I want all our Trump supporting retards to answer some questions ha ha ha ha ha 

 Do you think Luigi read the bible and he went crazy from all the filth and sodomy he read about in bible study? 



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