White Trash MAGA moron attacks Pacific islander. .


  These are the words spoken by a half wit Trump supporter. That is half a wit more than most Trump supporters have. 

39 year old Trump supporter and moron, Patrick Egan assaulted a man after he saw him driving the KKCO reporter van. 

What did the man in the broadcast van do ? He was brown. Mr Egan followed him for 40 miles before he assaulted him. 

Mr Egan said to the man " Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trumps America now! I'm a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you"

 Egan chased the man back to his place of business before demanding to see his I.D. 

Egan was arrested and charged with second degree assault. 

 The Pacific Islander who he was chasing is a NATIVE OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN 


 The above is a recent story that is accurate that any of you can feel free to google.

Below is Stans Warning to Trump supporters.


 There are brown Americans walking this earth that I love more than I love life itself.

 If Mr Egan would have done that to a person in my family that I love... 

Let me just say something:

He would have seen my face before he made it out of the jail parking lot. 

YOU RACIST TARDS ARE ABOUT TO FAFO ... be real careful. 

 If Trump does his massive deportations like he says (he often lies about building walls and stuff).  This shit is gonna get wild. 

 The next four years are going to be entertaining as fuck. You Trump morons just cant help yourselves.  And before you attack an evil illegal immigrant, make sure that the dude is not from Detroit... YOU STUPID RACIST FUCKS 


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