
Showing posts from January, 2025

Most Illegals are better people than Donald Trump

 Prove me wrong  

I like illegal immigrants.

   I was recently tasked with having some dust collector bags modified for work.    I went to a local tailoring shop.  I know about these people as we employed a cousin of theirs. They are Columbians. Every one of them is illegal as hell.   I am not telling on them. I hope they dont get deported.    They did a great job.  MAGA NEWS UPDATE:  Trump pardoned two child molesters, not one. He also pardoned dozens who assaulted police.    Oh and Just a reminder. Undocumented immigrants break laws at a lower rate than natural born Americans do.   You fucking MAGA morons.    


     HEY MAGA ... David Daniel ... google him   Trump pardoned a cho moe.  He has a very good chance of getting out of jail because of his jan 6th pardon.   The evidence of child porn and some other bad things was found after police took some of his electronic devices after serving a search warrant based on Jan 6th stuff.   He is still currently in custody, but with a presidential pardon in his pocket, some legal experts who give actual opinions on newspapers I look at online, said he could get off.      This guy David Daniel is a true M.A.G.A. hero and a man all Trump supporters should get behind.   YOU MORONS     Watching Trump try to destroy this country will be almost as amusing as all the morons who lie for him while he does it .   We are watching .... you morons 

Matthew Huttle visits Ashli Babbitt

     Matthew Huttle is currently visiting with Ashli Babbit to discuss the "stolen" 2020 election.     Matthew Huttle served 6 months in federal prison for entering and remaining in a restricted building. His lawyer told the judge that Mr. Huttle was only there on Jan 6th because he was bored and had nothing to do as he had recently been released from jail on a driving charge.   Yesterday, Huttle was killed by a cop after he resisted arrest and fought with the officer. Huttle was in possession of a gun.   So Trump is giving pardons to people who dont work and fight with police while he raids places of work to arrest people who want to work.   It was reported that Matthew Huttle and Ashli Babbitt have plans for M.H.G.A.  MAKE HELL GREAT AGAIN  We will keep you undated of any new details when they happen   One Down. 1,599 more to go :) 

I.C.E. Agents deport Melania Trump.

     Melania Trump is being deported. Her Immigration papers have been investigated and she has been accused of plagiarism. She got a work Visa so she could be a Go Go dancer. Then after she hooks up with a rich billionaire she got a "genius" immigration status.   It seemed very suspect to the immigration agents also. After Melania was set for deportation they tried to find her anchor baby.  The ice agents said there cant be that many 7 foot tall Slavs with greasy Trump hair in West Palm Beach.  They plan to apprehend him soon.   Her plagiarism charge is obvious as she gave Michelle Obamas speech almost word for word. She is guilty.     I say good riddance to bad Trash .... Thats what I say . 

Trump pardoned Ashli Babbitt

   Today, Trump pardoned Ashli Babbitt.   This pardon has been a long time in coming. Over four years now.   Because Ashli Babbitt was unarmed while she and a mob tried to overthrow the will of the American people, she deserves a pardon.   Ashli was doing gods work that day and we should all be thankful that Trump pardoned her and things can get back to normal.   After the pardon was announced, a very faint "Thank you Mr. President" was reportedly heard emitting from the depths of hell.     

Boebertjuice MAGA Bathroom Police

   When Lauren Boebert is not getting felt up in a family theatre or jerking off her date and vaping around children and pregnant women, she is keeping track of bathroom use.   This is a lady of many talents. she is a congresswoman  with an eye for detail.   She recently called security to a bathroom to remove a man who was using it.   All the people in the rest room were female.   If Lauren spent as much time checking peoples genders in a bathrrom as she spent checking their genders in a Beetlejuice play this would not be a problem.   Why did Lauren call security and not just grab where their cock should be like she did when she was sitting in a theatre for a family friendly show?    I have so many questions about this.   Is Lauren Boebert the worst woman to ever sit in congress or is she the best bathroom cock cop in Washington D.C. ?   So many questions   

Pete Rapeseth

   If this guy has raped you please contact the FBI so that they can tell congress.  They wont care, but they should still know. 

Jesus Christ for Dumbasses


The 14th Amendment for Dumbasses

      Section 1 All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2 Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twe...

Will Melania kill Trump ?

     During the inauguration, Melania proved to the world that she hates her Husband more than I do.   I like how all the worlds cameras were focused on them and she made her feelings known by refusing to kiss him.      In other news, you should never get your cell phone and your hand grenades mixed up.      Do you think Melania has access to hand grenades ? Melania is not a felon like her husband, so she could own a gun. You guys might think I am crazy, but did you see the hat ?   As a Libertarian, I would also like everyone to know I am for the legalization of hand grenades. And you Republicans claim to be conservatives.   Trump was a life long Democrat and he gave money to Kamala Harris to get elected when she was running for District Attorney in California.   I like to laugh at stupid fucking Republicans. Yall elected a lifelong Democrat who cant own a gun ... and you guys are Conservative ? ...

Trump Death Lottery.

      Let me first say how happy I am to be an American and to have all the protections granted to me by the First Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America.          We don't have the freedom of speech in America so that we can talk about the weather. We have the freedom of speech so we can say very controversial things. I think that's almost a Ron Paul quote.    So in honor of the First Amendment and the 47th president, I thought we should have a death lottery.   We are not condoning violence and wish nothing but good tidings on the felonious rapist. ( a judge called him a rapist, he cant sue me)   So what do you think will kill Trump ?  Will Trump outlive his term as President?  How old is the fat bastard now and how old will the fat bastard be in 4 years ?  So here are some of my top guesses as to what kills Trumps fat old stank ass.  1. Heart attack.  2. Stro...

Its about to get real

      The Morons are in charge of all three branches of Government. This shit is gonna be hilarious.         I will be here to point out the hypocrisy and missteps of the idiots as they give tax breaks to billionaires.   In Honor of Trumps inauguration as the 47th President of the United States we want to remember his number one supporter.         

Let the Deportations begin

    Some of the details of the Donald Trumps immigration actions are being released.   Trump is going to order the border patrol to arrest and deport anyone here illegally or anyone who has gained entry illegally.   First on his list will be women who immigrated for nothing more than economic gains. Women who entered the United States under false pretenses and women who lied on their immigration papers.   Trump also wants to remove the Children of these women because they are anchor babies.   Melania And Baron Trump have enough money to buy a nice place in Slovakia, dont worry about them. I hope they get deported first.     

Pete Hegseth, Trumps drunk minion.

      Pete was accused of raping a woman two months after his third wife had a child while he was still married to his second wife.   That is not a typo. He had not yet married the third wife. The one he cheated on the second wife with told the police that he raped her. (not the third wife)   He also cheated on his first wife with his second wife although thats not important to this story.   I listened to his hearing yesterday. The part that scared me is how he would not rule out using American Troops on American soil against Americans ....    Just think about this Drunk motherfucker having to refuse an illegal order from Donald Trump. You think he would do it ?   You think he would choose his oath to The Constitution over his loyalty to Trump if he were given an illegal order ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   He made and oath to his first wife.  He made an oath to his second wife.  He made an oath to his third wife...

Blog Moderation Instructions

   The moderators at this blog do not need instructions. Molly and Paul do a fantastic job and I would like to thank them for making this blog much better. I appreciate their honesty and their effort.   We try to be liberal, and by liberal I mean open to the thoughts of others ... not anything political.   If you know any moderators on other blogs that suck at doing their moderation duties, you can invite them to read this thread.    That picture is for Molly because she likes that stashe   That picture is for Paul because we are Liberal   SEE HOW THAT WORKS ?  ITS NOT HARD .  Have your moderators get in touch with our moderators whenever we can help. 

When Youtube makes you tear up

     My eyes teared up when I watched this video.   Such a sweet lady and a sweet dog.  Here at the 421st we admire compassion and fairness.    If Disqus aint fun .... you are doing it wrong