If you are an Australian and you use this blog, we need to talk. 

 As an American, I am a fan of the people of your nation. Let me list the reasons. 

 1.You guys have the best cuss words of any English speaking country. 

2. Your soldiers fight almost as well as Canadians and that is not an insult if you know how Canadians fight. 

3. Your country is a continent and that is cool and you guys have lots of cool animals and I love Koala bears 

 I just wanted to list those things so that you did not think that I did not have an objective opinion. 

 But now we need to talk about politics. 

If you are an Australian on this blog giving unwanted opinions to Americans about our political situation, you can fuck right off to the Great Barrier Reef and wait for a shark.

 If you want to give me your Australian opinion on Thai bar girls or how to outrun a kangaroo... I am all ears .... 


If you want to give me your opinon on American politics ... You can fuck right off. 

This invitation also goes out to people from the U.K. and Italy and Germany. 

If your not an American .... YOU CAN FUCK OFF WITH YOUR OPINION ..... 

 If you are Canadian ... You can say whatever you want ... You have to live with us and Trump is fucking yall. If you decide to Burn Washington D.C. down again, I will give you directions to Washington D.C.  

 To Canada ... I am sorry 

The rest of yall english speaking fuckers should talk about how good King Charles looks on your money 


 For all the opinionated Australians who are fervent Trump supporters ... Fuck off. Your opinion means about as much as a huge pile of wombat shit 


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