
  Trump is such a god damned delusional dumb fuck that he thinks Putin and Kim Jung Un are decent people while calling President Volodymyr Zelensky a dictator. 


   Trump is a wanna be fascist.  Trump supporters are the dumbest mother fuckers on Earth and you bring shame on our nation. 

 You elected Donald Trump so I am not surprised that you think Zelensky is a dictator. You ignorant cucks are really fucking shit up. 

 As a Libertarian, I find great joy in you dumbasses making your ignorance so obvious. For that, I will always be thankful. 

 You stupid, disgustingly ignorant, mouth breathing mother fuckers. 

 If you are a Trump supporter who is American, you are a worthless piece of SHIT ! 

 If you are a Trump supporter who is not American, ... Just shut the fuck up you ignorant dipshit. 

 My opinion .... Go fuck yourself and your wanna be fascist fucktards . 

                 SLAVA UKRAINE 



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