Thomas Matthew Crooks

    If Thomas Crooks would have had better access to better quality glasses, world history might have changed. 

 Probably for the better 

  This is a very funny joke about Trump getting his head almost blown off.  

I love making jokes about watching that fat bastard take his last breath. 

The day the orange rapist dies, I will throw a party for all the retard Republicans I know and make them feel better by giving them all a can of beanie weenies. 

 You know they love little weennies.... They voted for Trump 

The bright part of this is knowing that Trump is 78 years old and fat. He cant last that much longer regardless. 

 Do you know any good jokes about Trump getting his head removed? 

If you know one ... Leave it here . 

 HAve a great day :) 

   We support the first amendment and the ability to tell anyone to fuck off 

 Enjoy the 421st 



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