I am an American. 

 The time for talking with Trump supporters is over. 

If you post anything pro maga here ... it gets deleted. 
If you are Australian and you are pro trump, you will get cussed out and deleted. 

Really, if you are not American, shut the fuck up about your support for Trump. You retarded fuck. 

 If you are American and you support Trump, You are a fucking moron and I will spend the next two to four years fucking with you idiots. 

 After work today traffic was backed up and I was in the slow lane as traffic was merging. A Tesla tried to get in front of me ... I almost hit it before they stopped. The car behind me did not let them in either. ... 


 I will also be looking for Trump bumper stickers when I leave the local stores. Any car with a Trump bumper sticker will get plowed into by my cart right before i get into my car laughing. 

 You think this is real now ? The lady in the Tesla does .... 
Wait until I see a Trump Bumper sticker in the parking lot.... 
This will be more fun for you than it will be for RETARD trump supporters ... 

 What have you done to support Democracy lately? LOL 




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