The Revenge continues

   In celebration of Authoritarian wannabees taking over the White House and Congress we have another day of the Libertarians Revenge. 

 It seemed to be quite popular for some reason. 

 All I did was delete every stupid post That mentioned everyone's favorite little dicked rapist and I got more comments than ever. ( I dont give a fuck about comment counts but I love to tease the morons with shit blogs who think I do) 

 Help us celebrate Authoritarians. If I dont like what you say, it gets deleted. If the Republicans can run the White House that way, I can run this blog that way. 

 I really enjoy deleting all twitter links! That is something that we might do in the future! We can vote on it after the weekend of revenge is over .... 

And when we vote, we wont count the votes of maga people ... because thats how authoritarians like shit .... 

  Here is a question. Why did Libertarians pick a porcupine as their party mascot? 

 The Republicans and Democrats picked a donkey and an elephant. Two animals not native to North America.  

 Porcupines are native to North America, just like Libertarians. 

Have you ever fucked with one ? 

Think about it 



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