
Showing posts from August, 2023

Beautiful Women & Iconic Fashion Looks

  There is so many fashion moments that deserve the title ICONIC. Like the above pic, for instance. Post your pics of your fav fashionable iconic moments.

WARNING: World Advisory Organization gives travel advisory for CANADA

   The World Advisory Organization recently released a travel advisory about CANADA.    The once peaceful and welcoming Canada has become a dangerous place for visitors. The W.A.O. featured the following reasons for its newest travel advisory.   1. French people   2. Attack beavers    3. Canadian geese are reported to attack any non Canadian they see.  4. French people 5.  Ass eating bears. Canada is full of bears who eat asses.  6.  Forest Fires. Its not a camp fire if its the size of Delaware.     7. Canadian babies   There has been a rash of attacks made by Canadian babies.  John (Chubby Cheeks) McSnowshoes (pictured above) is wanted for the maiming and killing of 14 American tourists.     All non Canadians are advised to stay out. Or stay oot as they say in Canada.  Consider yourself warned !   


  Canada's Federal Government recently issued a travel advisory for all 2+LGBTQi travelling to the USA. There is no specific reasoning as to why this warning was issued so I'll just C+P a portion of the article I was reading this morning from the CBC.  Discuss.  Enjoy.  Do we need an advisory on this site? Warning.....we break people here! LOL The updated advice does not mention any specific law or state policy, nor does it suggest staying away from a particular state. When asked for details, a department spokesperson pointed to laws targeting the transgender community. "Since the beginning of 2023, certain states in the U.S. have passed laws banning drag shows and restricting the transgender community from access to gender affirming care and from participation in sporting events," the spokesperson said in a media statement. "The information is provided to enable travellers to make their own informed decisions regarding destinations. Outside Canada, laws and cust

Scoobies Unite

    There has recently been a rash of Scoobie bashing on this blog.   This bashing is unwarranted and unwanted.  Some Scoobies want to live and let dumb people live. I think that is admirable.   Dont let hatred blind you of the beautiful things in life. Scoobies are people too and they deserve the same respect given to all people.    Get some dank, rank, super stank and get in your groovie like a mother fuckin Scoobie.  

Cursive Writing


First 14th Amendment lawsuit filed.

      A lawyer from West Palm Beach, Florida has filed the first of hundreds of lawsuits in Federal court against Donald Trump.   Lots of lawyers are bringing attention to this often overlooked Amendment as a way to leave a big boot print on Trumps ass as he gets removed from American Politics.   As a Constitution loving Libertarian, this turn of events brings a tear of joy to my eye. I love our Constitution and I wish more people would pay attention to it and quit voting over bullshit and personalities.    We have a country to run, not a talent show for Low I.Q. Republican voters.   Democrats are often worse than the Republicans, so ya'll can also suck a dick .  


     I am making this blog entry to help all the people who post here and follow every discussion and comment, to finally get this blog shut down.    This Blog is a blog. So if you want to shut this place down at the source, I would suggest you start there. This blog does not (in quite a while now) post things that might be construed as even slightly offensive by anyone at the blog company. This should not keep you from lying.  I suggest you write them some e-mails and make up some zingers.   If that does not work, you could try to contact Disqus to have the comment platform removed. The people at the comment platform are sick of cashing all the checks they make from advertisers whose ads they run on this blog and a million more just like it.  They totally dont have a reason to leave this blog up, I mean its just money . Right ?   Just because No one on this Blog is allowed to break Disqus rules should not stop you from making up a couple zingers and getting the job done. 

Trumps Co-defendant stays in jail.

      Harrison Floyd is a dumb ass Trump supporter who will be staying behind bars for a while.    He is the former leader of Black voices for Trump.  He has been charged with  racketeering, conspiracy and influencing a witness.   His case is interesting because he is currently on bond for body slamming an FBI agent.  Seems like a smart thing to do if you are a dumb as fuck Trump supporter.    He also told the judge that he could not afford an attorney and she Denied him one ... She said he did not qualify for a court appointed attorney. I have never heard of this before and also thought that was interesting.   Its also interesting that the dude is sitting in jail without a lawyer and Trump is flying around on a 757.  HA HA HA   One day people will look back on 2023 and wonder what it was like to live with all the crazies ...   

RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Suave

      I remember when Trump first started his political campaign. I thought it was just a publicity stunt done by a b rate celebrity. So did many. He made his living by ripping off contractors who build his properties. He tried to bankrupt half the building contractors in Atlantic City with his Trump Casino. I guess I am the only person who watched the news in the 80s and 90s.    I remember when he was running for president and when asked why he gave money to Democrats and Republicans he replied something to the effect of " I am a business man, everyone loves Donald Trump"    Who did not know the guy was a fucking scumbag at that point ? Evidently, lots of stupid people.          Well, Don is a scumbag. He was a horrible president. He will go down in history as the worst ever. He is facing over 60 charges in federal court.   The federal government has a conviction rate of over 90%. Do the math .. I did :)   Chances are, your Orange corrupt piece of shit of a convicted rapist

Tight Pants Thursday

  Tight Pants Thursday.  How often do you change your mind when it comes to your life's views as you become older? Do you tend to stay steadfast even when the information around you proves elsewise or are you still open to new ideas and change when needed? Have fun!

Wild Woman Wednesday

  Just an alternate post to all the Trump discussion. Post music, pics or stories about women who choose to be bold! Have fun!

Trumps idiot arrested

  John Eastman, one of Trumps retard legal advisers just got bailed out of jail.    It also looks like a bunch of lawyers in California are about to take away his law license.    John Eastman was the brainiac wizard behind Trumps plan to overturn the 2020 election.   His bail was $100,000   Trumps Bail will be $200,000   Karma is a bitch unless she is on your side.   As a Libertarian who loves this country and loves the constitution, it warms my heart to see these scumbags get arrested. If you claim to be "conservative" and you support Trump, you really need to do some deep thinking ... Nevermind .. If you were capable of deep thinking, you would not support Trump.   less than 48 hours to turn his traitorous ass in.   GOD BLESS AMERICA    Stay tuned to the 421st. Trumps mugshot will get a feature article all its own :)   

Tuesday Tuesday

  Happy Tuesday? You know what to do! Enjoy the day

Monday Monday

  Summer is slowly ending and fall is just around the corner so lets enjoy these last few weeks! What is something new you can try this week? A new routine? A new food or drink? What can you do this week to make someone else's life a little better or easier? Happy Monday!

Fire and Rain

  I woke up this morning and found it hard to breath! The sky is just a blanket of grey smoke and every small crack in the window, the seal around the aircon vent is literally making the house feel flooded with this heavy  fire smell. Watching the news just now and a reporter  was live just outside  the actual fire area and she said its like you feel the smoke weighing you down. North is a city called Yellowknife and  is now completely evacuated due to fire too. The entire city evacuated! We are advised here to not travel and remain under a state of emergency.  Speaking of emergencies... California is bracing for a wicked storm too. Looks like they'll be getting a year's worth of rain in one go! That's no good. There is no drainage that can work that hard that fast. Thoughts & Prayers to all affected. 

How Offensive Are You? Do You Care?

  I would think it's pretty impossible to live the entirety of one's life and not offend others time to time. I can be as open minded as I can, be mindful of the space around me when I am with others but even with that I am sure I have offended someone at some point. But at what point  can we truly say a person  is truly offensive versus our choice to be offended at that person? Also, what is the difference between being offended and just being uncomfortable with a situation? I think sometimes we act offended over things that just simply make us uneasy. Again, who's fault it that? Do we have a responsibility NOT to offend others?  Is it always our fault if someone else chooses to be offended by our presence, our words/views, our actions?

Melania Trumps after prison plans.

   Melania Trump is making plans just in case her husband goes off to live with Bubba at the big house.   Mrs. Trumps future is in doubt as her husband faces 91 felony charges.   When someone close to her asked if she was ok with the federal government taking her fat, cheating husband who owns a micro peen to prison for a long time ... Melania said nothing.   If asked if she had any plans as a very wealthy and attractive lady after her old ass husband goes to prison for the rest of his life, she said nothing ....   She was busy looking at all the new applicants for positions to fill after Trump Goes to the felon farm.    She has interviews with all of these men as soon as the Orange Mafia boss goes to butt pound town.     She will be looking to fill several positions.   This man has a good shot at the gardener position      If you think you have what it takes to help Melania after Donald gets sent to Camp Convict, Please send in an application.   She is looking for a few good men. 

Humble Pie

  I don't think I ever used a passage before for discussion because it doesn't seem to fit this blog but this one came to mind  this morning and I thought it would make for a good discussion if you are looking for a daily topic.   Enjoy your Thursday! Luke 18:9-14 English Standard Version The Pharisee and the Tax Collector 9  He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt:   10  “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.   11  The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed [ a ]  thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.   12  I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’   13  But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’   14  I tell you, this man went down to his house justifie


  Alternate thread to the other one going on if you are not interested in reading why 2 old white men need to use the N-word. LEAVE YOUR RACISM AND POLITICS ON THE OTHER THREAD. THIS IS THE WEDNESDAY FUNZONE THREAD.

List of Trump Crimes. 91 felonies

   New York has charged him with 34 counts of falsifying business records over the "Stormy Daniels, stick your micro peen in a porn star for 130K" game   He is facing 40 charges in his stolen government documents case when he decided that he was in charge of stolen top secret crap.  The charges are: 32 counts of willful retention of national defense information for alleged violations of the Espionage Act. 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice. 1 count of withholding a document or record 1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record 1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation 1 count of scheme to conceal 1 count of false statements and representations 1 count of altering, destroying, mutilating, or concealing an object 1 count of altering, destroying, mutilating, or concealing a document, record, or other object  The Jan 6th charges brought against him in federal court are  One count of conspiracy to defraud the United States. One count of conspiracy