
Showing posts from June, 2024


Chocolate, one of life’s greatest joys, It comes from cocoa  Which is a tree, That’s makes it a plant, So chocolate is basically a salad. So don’t forget to eat your morning Salad people. So many kinds, so many flavors and fillings. Do you like chocolate? If you don’t, what the hell is wrong with you? So… What is you favorite chocolate?  Do you like a specific brand more than others?  Milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate, What’s your poison? There’s no wrong answers in chocolate. Enjoy your weekend with a tasty chocolate.

Lies your parents told you

“if you eat carrots you won’t need glasses, have you ever seen a bunny with glasses?” “If you make a face it will get stuck like that” “Spinach would make you strong like Popeye” “If you lie your nose will grow long just like Pinocchio” Let’s be honest, parents sometimes can be the biggest liars on the planet. Some parents lie to their kids to protect them from the truth, some lie to their kids to keep them in check and some because they’re just liars. Have you ever caught your parents in a lie? What is the funniest lie your parents told you? What is the dumbest lie your parents told you? have you ever told your kids a lie? What was it and why did you lied to them? Share your thoughts, your real thoughts, don’t be a liar. Have a lovely day everyone.

Choose who ?

     I watched all of about 5 minutes of the Debate last night.   America rolled out a convicted rapist and felon ( one rape, 34 felonies and counting) to argue with someone's dementia suffering grandfather.   If you are a huge Trump or Biden supporter, let me thank you ... THANK YOU FOR HELPING TO FUCK UP OUR COUNTRY   The two party system is broken ... We have 350 million fucking people in this country and the best we can do is a choice between  sleepy grandpa and Uncle thieving rapist ?    As an American who votes and works and does all the things I am supposed to do, you other mother fuckers are letting me down.   These two men are a fucking embarrassment to this country and if you dont think so, you are part of the problem.   The debate was too god damned cringe to even watch ...  So my choice is a Rapist/felon/dictator for a day and Sleepy Grandpa   I will vote for the gay 39 year old Libertarian kid ....   FUCK REPUBLICANS               FUCK DEMOCRATS                Vote Lib

Chase Oliver for President

  Chase Oliver is the Libertarian Candidate for President.     “I'm under the age of 80, I speak in complete sentences, I'm not a convicted felon ,” he says on the campaign trail. “It's a very low bar, but I've managed to clear that.” Chase Oliver is 39 years old.  He is 39 years younger than Trump and over ten years younger than Joe Bidens crack smoking son.  The Debate is on tonight .. They dont want to talk about the real issues.  Watch as Donald Trump and Biden dont talk about the national debt ....  Watch as Donald Trump and Biden dont mention the constitution once during their entire debate .  If they had a Libertarian on stage .. they would have to talk about real issues .. They wont   I am voting for the Libertarian in 2024. I suggest everyone does :) 

Does Your Husband ....... ?

 Give your honkers a squeeze before he leaves the house? Does your husband say WONKA WONKA when he grabs both of them ?   Does your Husband pretend his penis is a helicopter blade when he gets out of the shower ?  If your husband does not do these things ... it might be time for a new husband.  Just sayin 

The 421st band

It’s time. Let’s create our first own “421st band” If you can play an instrument you’re in. If you can sing, you’re in. If you can bitch about something and want to write a song about it then you’re in. So are you in? What instrument would you like to play? Or maybe you want to be the writer? Or maybe the lead singer? What should we name the band? What genre the music would be? Should we create our own outfits for the band? Let’s get the party started.

The people of the 421st

 Let’s be honest, some people on the 421st are batshit crazy. Crazy like lock them up and throw away the key crazy but that’s what also make this place so fun and unique compare to all the other regular and really boring blogs. So who are your favorite people on the 421st? Why you chose them? What makes them so special? Would you lock them up in a mental asylum? Enjoy your day.

To Share Or Not To Share

In my eyes technology and the internet really broke something in society. The rise of the internet, the rise of the smartphone in the early 2000’s and to add to that also the rise of social medias caused a huge impact on how people interact with each other or it’s better to say the lack of real interaction with each others in real life so this isn’t a surprise when you see the massive decline in mental health we see in the world today. a good friend of mine once said the smarter phones get the dumber people get and he’s not wrong in that statement. People always with the face down to their screen, alway pointing their camera to something, always taking pictures and videos so they could share it with everyone else for likes fame and attention instead of just enjoying the moment sometimes, always the content seeking for the next big thing to get famous from, always the constant chase of getting trendy and how to make easy and fast money, nothing is sacred anymore, nothing is private anym

421st Vs Other Blogs

 The 421st is a special place, a place where the only rule is there are no rules, a place you could say whatever you want no matter how stupid it is and everyone would laugh at you for this, a place where anything is possible like talking bears or magical pony with multiple socks and even a English dude that is very obsessed about ketchup for some unknown reason. So why are you here in this shitty blog? What do you like in here you can’t find in other blogs? How do you rate this blog compare to other normal blogs? Feel free to share  your thoughts and have a lovley weekend.

421th Blog update.

     This blog has been running quite smoothly lately. (my opinion)   I would like to thank Molly and GG and Camilla for posting threads that are usually much better than the ones I post.   I would like to thank GG again for modding here along with Paul. They really do a jam up job and Make the blog much better to use !   Nothing of blog noteworthiness has happened lately. No one has been banned except Huggy Wuggy. I would like to thank GG and paul for banning his many socks.   So keep doing whatever the fuck you want and carry on good people 

The 421st Mental Asylum

 The 421st is a special place, a special place for us the special people of the internet, like a bear with some special needs and occasionally having many mental breakdowns for example, a magical Aussie Unicorn who faked his own death for likes and attention or a libertarian that hate the bad orange man and the list goes on and on. To the new people here, welcome to the mental asylum blog on planet internet, just sign up at the front desk and tell us what’s your problem and don’t forget to cry and yell about it so everyone here who don’t give a damn could proudly laugh at you. Enjoy your stay!

Dad jokes

They’re cheesy, they’re lame, but sometimes they just put a smile on your face, yes! I’m talking about Dad Jokes! Since some of you in America celebrated Father’s Day yesterday this thread is all for you, this thread is all about dad jokes, so spread your dad jokes around and bring some laugh and proudly make someone’s face go full cringe. Enjoy your day by telling a lame Dad joke.

Foodie Sunday

 Happy Sunday to you all. Do you love food? Well, This is the thread for you. Nothing can top the taste of a good hot homemade meal that made with nothing but love. Do you enjoy cooking? What are your favourite ingredients to cook with? What is your favourite meal to make?  There are the some ingredients or spices you don’t like and won’t try even in a million years? Feel free to share your thoughts and if you would like feel free to also some nice recipes you know or made in the past.


   The Supreme court made a great decision (6-3) to make  bump fire stocks legal.  (again)  These things look like fun .... But I like a regular stock and not wasting ammo better. I also know how to bump fire any semi auto rifle with my belt loop and my thumb. Thats why this law is stupid.   The law is written so that only one bullet is fired with each pull of the trigger..  Thats why these are not machine guns.  If you dont understand that... you need to watch some videos and learn about guns so you dont run around supporting stupid fucking laws ...   Next thing they will want to ban rubber bands when they find out they do almost the same thing. ... LOL AT STUPID GUN LAWS      GOD BLESS AMERICA ...  and fuck you if you disagree. 

Clitoromegaly for idiots.

  Clitoromegaly  (or  macroclitoris [1] ) is an abnormal enlargement of the  clitoris  that is mostly  congenital ; it is otherwise acquired through deliberately induced  clitoral enlargement  e.g.  body modification  by use of anabolic steroids, including  testosterone . [2] [3] [4] [5]  It can happen as part of a  gender transition . It is  not the same  as normal enlargement of the clitoris seen during  sexual arousal . Female bodybuilders  and athletes who use  androgens , primarily to  enhance muscular growth, strength and appearance , may also experience clearly evident enlargement of the clitoris and increases in  libido . [13] [14]  Women who use testosterone for therapeutic reasons (treating low libido, averting  osteoporosis , as part of an anti-depressant regimen, etc.) may experience some enlargement of the clitoris, although the dosages warranted for these conditions are much lower.    The information above is from Wikipedia. Before finding this information, I had no idea

Hunter Biden Guilty

  Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty for lying on a federal form when he purchased a handgun in 2018. He felt his answer was sincere as he was in recovery at the time. The jurors thought differently. Does being in recovery grant you any graces? Was the verdict fair? Is it worth appealing? Share your answers OR NOT. 

Your Dream Home.

  What does your dream home look like? Would you live in a big mansion if you won the lottery or a little hobbit cottage to stay cozy in long winter nights? Would you stay in the same city? Country? Share your answers with today's theme DREAM HOUSE

Heterosexual day celebration

   In celebration of Hetero Day ... I wanted to talk Trucks.   I am going to buy a truck soon. I am leaning towards a used Ford F-150. I can find a few with under 100,000 miles for around 10K   The Math works out as a new one is at least 40K for a basic truck.      What kind of truck do you recommend ?   Does your truck tell the world you are hetero ?  Can you buy a work truck from a gay person? Do all gay people drive Subaru's ?   PLEASE HELP   

Parade Day!

  We come to the end of our gay days with a parade! March with your rainbow dongs to celebrate your freedom to dong walk the streets. Tell the world except when you make death threats to JK Rowling   that you are a loving inclusive group and you must be celebrated. Show your true colors or better yet.....

Queer Friday

   If you reached the end of the week and are not gay, lesbian, bi or transgender then you must be QUEER.  What is queer? It's not gay but gayier. It's not just trans but trendier trans. When you can't be one you can be all.  All aboard the rainbow!

Transformative Thursday

  Have you affirmed your gender today? How do you affirm your gender? What tips can you share to help others affirm their genitals gender?

Meet Me In The Middle:Bi-Wednesday

  Bisexuals. Not the drunk slut in the bar yelling "I kissed a girl and I liked it" so the guys will pay her attention  but rather people who have had relationships with the same and opposite gender. Do you think people think men who are bisexual are just gay? Why do women get less slack about this then the men?

Les-Be-A- Tuesday

  Another day, another letter. No. not the drug addicted daughter doing porn for money  but the real "L"s. Lets hear it for the lesbians. Making men's XXL fashion great again.