
Showing posts from August, 2024

Carry On

 I won't bother coming up with anything meaningful and such. Y'all gonna go your own way anyway. So, Carry On! Go in peace...oh wait!  P.S. I told Mat I'd fill in for him this weekend. I'm only the messenger! LOL

Gas masks for babies


The Legend of Bushwick Bill

 Richard William Shaw was born December 8 1966 in Kingston Jamaica. Bill was born with dwarfism, and would only grow to 3 foot 8 as an adult.  His family moved to the US and settled in Houston Texas. He became a famous local breakdancer, going by the name Little Billy, and would join the hip hop group Geto Boys, originally as a dancer, before taking the microphone and adopting his Bushwick Bill monicker.  The Geto Boys would be pioneers in the horrorcore genre, mixing rap music with horror and supernatural themes.  In 1991, while high on PCP and drinking grain alcohol, Bill got into a “tussle” with his girlfriend and got shot in the eye. There are conflicting reports of it being an attempted suicide, or some insurance scam…PCP and Everclear will cause bad decisions.  The day after the shooting, band mates Scarface and Willie D checked Bill out of the hospital for a photo shoot for their next album cover, We Can’t Be Stopped This would prove to be the group’s high water mark, going plat

Buggin’ Out

  Here is a photo of 1million mosquitoes a person collected using an electronic mosquito trap.  What is your favorite bug to collect?

Sharks in waters off the coast of Brazil have tested positive for cocaine

  The drug was found in all 13 wild Brazilian sharpnose sharks tested, with a concentration as much as 100 times higher than previously reported for other aquatic creatures. First it was bears. Now it’s sharks. What is the next animal you’d like to see addicted to cocaine? I vote for cocaine skunks. 

Family Recipes

 Since we’re like family here at the 421st, I thought it would be fun to share some family recipes. Those special dishes that have been perfected and passed on generation to generation.  Grandma’s Meatloaf  The ultimate comfort food. First rule: always start with the freshest ingredients.  -Two pounds of choice meat from the deli.  -Remove the skin and fur -Place meat on sheet tray and rub with olive oil then season with salt and pepper.   -add chopped potatoes and veggies to the tray, and bake for 1 hour and 375F. Brush with a honey ketchup glaze in the last 15 minutes.   -enjoy your loaf Share some of your time honored family recipes. 

Greatest movie dance scenes

  Whether it’s Gene Kelly swinging around a lamp post while Singing in the Rain, or Pat Swayze getting Dirty with Baby, movie dance scenes are always a dramatic emotional crescendo in cinema. It’s the meeting of a perfect song and characters you can relate to and are invested in.  To me, there is one scene that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. It might be the greatest movie scene ever filmed.  This is my pick for Greatest Movie Dance Scene  What are your thoughts on my choice? Let’s see your picks for Greatest Movie Dance Scene 

Let’s talk about Dick Blood

Richard Henry Blood was born on February 28, 1953 in West Point, New York to an English father and Japanese mother.  Young Dick took an interest in amateur wrestling. By high school he would be a state champion in wrestling.  In 1976, after training with the Iron Sheik, Dick Blood would make his professional wrestling debut in the AWA wrestling promotion out of Minnesota   Dick Blood would join Championship Wrestling from Florida in 1978, where legendary promoter Eddie Graham told him that Dick Blood was a good name for a heel (bad guy) but not a babyface (good guy). So, he changed his name to Ricky Steamboat.  From there, Dick Blood would join the NWA wrestling promotion, where he had a legendary feud with Ric Flair Dick Blood would win several mid-card championships while in the NWA.  In 1986 Dick Blood would get his chance at the big time, when he was signed by the WWF. They would give him the Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat gimmick   As The Dragon, Dick Blood would wow crowds, winning

Goodbye Cruel World

     I bet Mat leaves a mark.   Thanks for modding Paul.    I want to thank Trump supporters for making me look smart.  Please dont burn the place down. If you do... You can tell me about it over at MAts or Pauls Blog :) 

Australian Break Dancing


DISQUS CHANNELS .. Everyone got unbanned ?

       What do you call two cross dressers, a retard and Bobag  ?   I dont know, but I bet they could all be found on a republican blog somewhere.     I checked the Disqus channels and I seem to be able to comment on all of them. What happened ?   If anyone from Disqus headquarters reads this thread ( they are big fans dont laugh), I would like to offer two great Moderators who could take care of all the channels and then some with decent and fair moderation.   Paul and myself can moderate all your shit.  I know that Paul is a whore, but he is not cheap, neither am I.   You will have to pay Paul in Pounds Sterling and I will take mine in American dollars.    Have your people call our people.     


   Trump tells rich woman who donates to him and got a "medal of freedom" while Trump was president, that the medal she received was better than the medal of honor because she did not have to die or get shot to get it.    Yes I will post the video, You knew I would !   NOW ALL YOU RETARD TRUMP SUPPORTERS .....  PLEASE COME AND DEFEND THIS BULLSHIT ....  DOUBLESPEAK YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS ONE ASSHOLES ....  FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK YOU ... fUCKING CULT MEMEBER IDIOTS  

Ukraine uses reverse Uno card on Russia

       I think its funny 

OLD 421 pictures and gifs

  Do you know an Australian who hates American politics? I bet you do.      So today we are going to celebrate old pictures and gifs that blogger saves that have been used in these threads.   This will be like a tour of memory lane ...  Or hell if you are a Trump supporter.    Stan will be moving in about two weeks.  Stan will be without a home internet connection for a week or two depending.  Does anyone want to volunteer to write threads while I am gone ? 

Trump is Too old

   Trump just did a two hour interview without all his teeth.  Normally, I would not make fun of an old person just for being old. Trump is not normal.  Trump did a bro talk with Elon Musk ... He sounded like Donald duck     Trump is too old to be President. Joe Biden is also too old to be President. Joe is not running so now we only have one old geriatric bastard to get rid of.    Trump is the oldest person to ever run for president.   Trump is older now than Reagan was when he left.   Trump is so old that he thinks biracial people have to pick one race.   Trump is so old that after a high school career of sports and average grades ... that he then had bone spurs too bad to serve in the military .... less than 18 months after finishing high school.  And he does not have any bone spur related problems over 50 years later ?  Some might think that he avoided military service ...  THATS HOW OLD HE IS ... HE AVOIDED THE DRAFT  .... People my age have never been drafted    Trump is so old T