
Showing posts from March, 2023

Friday Night Music

  Post songs. That's all.

Who Is Who: 421 Sock Edition

  There has been quite a bit of accusations as of late as to who is who around here so we thought it was good idea to clear the air and get to the bottom of things! It’s time for a game of “Who is Who?” Which accounts are sock accounts and for who? Who has the most sock accounts? Which sock account is your favorite? Could you be a sock account and not even know it? Let’s find out!  Thanks to Red for the contribution.

Trump's Rump Is RumpRoast

  Just in.....New York Grand Jury votes to indict Trump. Discuss!


  Today is just an open chat but if you need a topic...... Do you count calories? Do you binge diet or binge eat? Are you happy with your current weight in general or could you use some diet tips? What are your diet tips???????

How To Help The Homeless: What Is The Right Solution?

  Vancouver's Downtown has take a new type of resident that has taken over. A resident that does not have a residence, to be exact. Our downtown is changing and the businesses are changing with. With more and more businesses closing and going online paired with less families no longer opting (or affording) to even live in the city any longer, the homeless have expanded greatly in numbers. Open drug use, encampments and violence have all increased over the last couple years. This is situation isn't new. Many cities face such. The city has tried to open some additional module housing but the already low income homes are over-run and under kept that these new homes will be facing the same fate soon enough. What solutions do you think we need to combat homelessness? I recognize we all live in different countries but a good solution is a good solution. Do you think some homeless people really want the help? Do you think homelessness is someone's own fault therefore do no deserve

Tragedy At Another School

  The victims included three 9 years olds. 9 years old. 9. What did these innocent babies do? They did nothing. Absolutely nothing and yet they had to be the victim of someone else's bloody madness and anger because "life's unfair". It seems like the shooter left a behind a manifesto and hand drawn maps so I am sure more details will come out this week. It also looks like a friend did reach out to the shooter and even called non-emergency with a concern but the call couldn't be take until later in the afternoon.  Will people look at something like the phone call and now blame non-emerg for not responding? Will people blame gun control laws? The state of mental health of these "young people today"? There is a lot of questions and will always be more questions than answers. What do you think? Is a tragedy like this ever really preventable? Share your thoughts.

Creationism Debate!

  I think, maybe the time might be ripe for the CREATIONISM debate. We got enough right-wing superstars rockin' the house. You BOYS are good Christian boys? You Believe in the Holy Bible? You believe the Lord created the world in SIX DAYS, and then took a day off? Or, to be more lenient, do you subscribe to "scientific creationism" where we acknowledge that maybe that was not a PRECISE description of what went down, but it seems clear this wasn't all an accident, and there had to be some intelligence behind it? What say you, champions of creation? Thank you Coyote Jim for the discussion and RFJ for the imagery! 

Lazy Sunday with two dogs and a wife.

   This morning I realized that I have two spoiled ass dogs. For breakfast I mixed some peanut butter up in their dry food. They looked disappointed when it was put it on the ground.   So my wife comes in the kitchen and tells me that Peanut butter is not for Sunday breakfast and I go to McDonalds to get my wife and my dogs biscuits. The Dogs got one sausage biscuit each and they are much happier now.   My dog farts when you give her sausage biscuits and her big ass is under the computer table right now. I cant wait.   

This video almost made me cry.

     The current happenings in Ukraine make me sad and happy at the same time. This video of Zelensky having coffee and spending a moment with the troops is quite a contrast to the video of Putin who went to Ukraine. In the audio you can hear a woman yell " Its all fake".  Putin will also never be seen near normal Russian troops who have guns. I wonder why.    The Ukrainians have between 60,000 and 100,000 recently trained soldiers. These soldiers will be game changers because they were all trained to NATO standards in NATO countries. I think the U.K. is turning out 10,000 trained Ukrainians every six months.    The Ukrainians have been receiving vast amounts of western military vehicles. The Russians have been making human wave attacks as part of their winter offensive. They have lost thousands of men and gained very little ground. None of the western vehicles or western trained troops has really been seen on the front line yet.    The Ukrainians also get huge amounts of int

Dirty Cops sue Afroman

    It was not because he got high.  (Photo by By Kyubinaruto078 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,   Some Ohio Cops got a search warrant for Afromans house and proceeded to scare the shit out of his kids, point guns at everyone, steal his money and tear up his home security system.    Afroman took HIS OWN footage FROM HIS OWN SECURITY CAMERAS... IN HIS OWN HOUSE  and made some music videos.  The cops are pissed because they were exposed as dirty ass cops and now they are suing him. The cops found nothing.     Steve Lehto is a Michigan Lawyer who makes interesting videos. He is one of my favorite Youtube people.     I have not researched this much. When I found out the cops were suing Afroman I had to write a thread.   I still have not watched his music videos. I will have to get high and research this more fully after work.   FUCK DIRTY COPS            WHAT DO YOU THINK ? 

Puppy And Kittens

  Puppies and kittens. Awwwwww. This OP will be up for the week for you to enjoy your puppies and kittens.

What Do You Love To Hate?

  Is there anything you love to hate? I know reality shows like Housewives, 90 Day Fiancé are anything but real these days but I love watching them. They are so bad that it makes the show that good. Some  folks hate the other posters here and all its content yet they show up here every day! To those we say thank you for making this site a success!! What do you absolutely love to hate? 

Lady Rounds

  If puppies and kittens aren't your thing you can post lady rounds here. This OP will be up for the week for you to enjoy your ladies.

Will Trump Get The Bump In His Rump?

  Do you think Trump will be arrested this week? Trump issued a statement that he suspects he will be arrested today but watching the news looks like it might be possibly tomorrow or even next week? There is some back and forth about the exact charges but at this point the main discussion surrounds the hush money payment made to silence Stormy Daniels. Life's a bitch when even a washed up hag, porn star who gets paid to get jizzed in the face and farked in the arse wants to see you go to jail. This is just an open discussion but I figured this story would be on the news for most of the day. Meanwhile Putin and Xi met up with each other to discuss "peace". Peace!

Driving Tips & First Time Experiences

  Do you remember your first time behind the wheel? How did that experience go???? As most know, my son is to turn 16 soon so I thought it would be fun to go to the school parking lot and let him just sit in the car and roll around, practice putting the car into gear, using the turn signals etc. As for lessons, he will be with a driving instructor but I thought he would enjoy getting the feel of what it's like to be behind the wheel before his first official lesson. What was your first experience of driving like? Did you pass the test on the first go? What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

Sexy Dick Pics Sunday

     Dick Van Dyke has never posted at the 421st. If that is not sexy enough for you I got more Dicks  You had no Idea that Andy Dick would get a feature today. Did you ? Thats so hot !   This guy is a Canadian swimmer guy named Dick Pound. He has the best name not used in porn. I bet he is popular with the ladies.   

I.C.C. Arrest Warrant for Putin

   The I.C.C. is basically 123 countries who agreed to set up a court to enforce laws worldwide for crimes against humanity.    The ICC has a warrant out for the ARREST of the President of RUSSIA !!! Please think about this for a moment.   They also issued an arrest warrant for this dumb, Slavic looking bitch who is in charge of Child services in Russia.     They are accused of taking 16,000 kids out of Ukraine. Thats a war crime.       The Blue countries will arrest Vlad if he enters their country and most of those green ones would arrest him and turn him over to a blue country ... lol     The Children of Ukraine are the innocent victims of this war. Russia invaded Ukraine and took the kids.   Vlad is soon to be making a preplanned trip to South Africa. It will be interesting to see if he goes. S.A. is not part of the ICC but what if his plane was forced down over an ICC country ? It could happen .   Slava Ukraine and fuck you if you disagree.   This thread was written by Stan 

Happy St 421st Day: Irish Edition

  Happy St Patrick Day to our 421st crew! Will you be celebrating today? If so, what will you be doing? Share your Irish jigs (jigs? does that mean songs?), memes, stories and anything else. Don't forget to share your  Irish name too by using the name generator image below!

Wanderlust or Bust

  wanderlust noun wan·​der·​lust   ˈwän-dÉ™r-ËŒlÉ™st  :  strong longing for or impulse toward  wandering Do you like to travel? Have you travelled to many places? Do you feel comfortable travelling alone and meeting new people or do you have to plan everything in advance and only travel with a few trusted family or friends? Where would you like to travel if money was no object? Is there any places where you absolutely have no interest/desire in visiting? If so, why? What tips or advice do you have when it comes to travelling. It could be anything from how to save up, how to pack, how to plan etc....

Welcome to our humble Blog.

      I am always excited when I see new people exploring the wonders that are the 421st.   This blog was created by a Libertarian grandpa who had a problem with constant bans and unfair moderation on Disqus Channels.    This modern creation of sharing ideas and opinions should not be stifled by stupid people. Stupid people should be celebrated, not put on the mod panel to ruin the exchange of ideas. We love stupid people, just not on the mod panel.   New people should be welcomed with open arms, not slandered with inside jokes.  If you are new, we are glad to see you.   Today I would like to talk about the reasons why we should all have access to abortion without government control ... and we should also have access to machine guns and RPGs without government control.   What do you think ?   

Introducing Abortion Clinic Barbie

   The newest edition of popular Barbie Dolls is Abortion Clinic Barbie.   This newest doll has many features not seen before.  1. The biggest change is the addition of the little unwanted bastard in her gut.  2. Press her back and she speaks with such phrases as : " The condom broke"                      "Thanks for bringing the check book Ken"  " I wonder how this happened"  and many many more. .........  Coming soon:  Gynecologists Ken  

Canadian City Allows Topless Swimming at Public Pools

  City run pools in Edmonton, Alberta will now allow topless swimming for all patrons over the age of 18 or minors with a parent regardless of gender. The city said they are doing this to be more inclusive and while the city recognizes this may make some of its patrons uncomfortable, it does not want to violate anyone's human right to swim topless.  Linda Meyer swam topless here in BC and even challenged the Supreme Court for her right to do so. When asked about how others might feel seeing a nipple she replied: "If I'm in the hot tub, I'm not picking up any men. The sky isn't falling. We're all not going to be vaporized because my nipple is exposed," she says. Meyer says her fight is about nipples - which men have, too, she notes. "This is all about the men," Meyer says. "If they can't control themselves because they see a nipple, why is that my fault? Go take a cold shower or think about your income taxes." What do you think? Shou

And the Oscar goes to... Jane Fonda's Big Mouth

  Jane Fonda recently was on The View where the topic quickly got off to abortion rights for women. Asked what else can women do  to enact change besides march and protest those changing the laws surrounding abortion and Jane responded, "Well, I've thought of murder.". Anther co-quest, Lily Tomlin, quickly over spoke and said "don't say that" which was followed by Joy Behar trying to clarify what she said and Jane repeated again "murder". Joy reacted by saying, "she's just kidding" and Jane looked at Joy with the reaction posted above in the picture. Come Saturday morning it looked like a shit show  on social media for Jane with comments about cancelling her, saying she incited violence while others praised her. Others like Sonny Hostin who said "doing that would get you a Nobel Peace prize"  Jane responded the next day to the backlash by stating using the word murder was just an hyperbole to make her point.  Do you think Ja

Saturday Night Is Alright For Fighting

  Post your funny fight memes, stories of fights or songs that have "fight" as the theme. Happy Saturday Night!   

Sappy Haturday

   In Canada they have trees. Some of these trees have sap in them.   Haturday is a thing. Some people dont wear hats  Sap is something that does not get enough discussion.  I love this blog