
Showing posts from October, 2023

Happy Halloween!


Halloween Costume Ideas

  Post your Halloween costume ideas here for the big day tomorrow.  Feel free to vote best idea. Personally, I could never do the slutty costume thing.  I don't say that as a judge-y thing, I just simply don't have the personality for it. Let's hear your ideas!

Fake Culture & Fake Famous

  Bluffy Sainte-Marie. Another celebrity fallen here in Canada. It looks like she was never First Nations at all. Nope. Not one bit. Just some dark skin from southern Italy and a pudgy nose was all it took for her to make a career faking being a victim of the trauma of another group of people here in this country just to ride the Fame Train. Yesterday I read that a 50 year old man was permitted by the swim association here in Toronto to compete, yes, compete against teen girls.  Nicolas Cepeda entered the contest as Melody and now the league doesn't want to look like they are anti- trans so the accepted and processed his application without even questioning if this is legit.  FAKE PEOPLE. All of them.  Not long ago I watched a documentary called Fake Famous. It followed a few young folks in their journey to become famous by fudging likes and using social media hacks to basically get seen as a "somebody" when in reality they were nobodies like the rest of us.  Are we toler

Cancel Culture

   The culture of the canceled.     I dont really think "cancel culture" is a new thing. There have always been boycotts and lets never forget tar and feathering.   Back in the pre industrial days, before electricity and motor vehicles there was no such thing as Cancel culture. If you did something so shameful and stupid to earn the scorn of the entire community they would cover you with tar .... then cover you with feathers and then beat your ass.    So much of the world is full of sensitive sissys now.    I think we should go back  to the tar and feathering days.     No one covered in tar and feathers after receiving a nice ass whipping is going to complain about cancel culture... Just sayin   Next time someone complains about cancel culture, ask them if they had to give back a Grammy. Then call them a pussy. 

The Difference Between Talking and Speaking

  Speak usually only focuses on the person who is producing the words : He spoke about the importance of taking exercise and having a good diet. Talk focuses on a speaker and at least one listener, and can mean 'have a conversation': I hope I can meet you to talk about my plans for the company. When you communicate on social media, do you speak or do you talk with others?

Open “How’s It Going Chat

 Do not whine here

Whine Here

 Use this thread to whine. 

Gearing Up For The Cold

  Yesterday was cold. Sooooo cold. Not freezing temps or anything but just cold enough that  I had to turn the heat on for the first time and needed a pair of gloves/hat for my walk. Nothing heavy but just those knit gloves you can get for a dollar a pair. The problem? It's been a long while since we wore those gloves so when I went to the bin to grab such, I couldn't find any matching sets. I went for my walk with one pink and one purple glove and wore a black & red toque from a hockey tourney. Mismatched but warm, none the less! Today I will have to sort through the mess and possibly purchase some extra sets of gloves/hat to top off what's missing. Where I live is mostly rain so waterproof gear is a must. And umbrellas. Those too seem to have gone missing. I suspect most of this is in the lost & found bin at school.  As the season changes to shorter nights and colder temps, what type of outdoor gear do you wear? Note: The aussies season is warming up. Unfortunatel

Trumps Lawyer cries

   Have you ever made one of your lawyers cry? Trump has.   Jenna Ellis plead guilty. She is the THIRD Trump lawyer to plead guiltyt and agree to testify against the other criminals including Trump.       Playing crooked politician is fun until the cops show up   When your lawyers flip on you and agree to testify... you are fucked ... Trump :)  

Are you afraid of clowns ?

    I never considered myself afraid of clowns.   Then I smoked some marijuana and gave the subject some deeper thought. Running different scenarios through my head made it obvious to me that I really am scared of fucking clowns.    This is the scenario I thought of. I am walking my dogs down the dead end road and someone jumps out of the woods with an ax.   First thing I would do would be to let the German Shepherd go because he would definitely have her attention and I bet she could get him before he got her with an ax. I would then assess the situation and look for a weapon while I kept 10 feet away and watched if my dog got him good enough for me to go in and get the ax and help my dog.   Now, this same scenario happens again, but its a clown who comes out of the woods with an ax.   I would let go of both dog leashes and not stop running until I passed out from lack of oxygen or ran into a tree and knocked myself out.     So yea, I am afraid of clowns. Smoke pot and make peace with

Name your favorite shoes/boots

   I am in the need for some new work boots.  Can you tell me what brand you like. Can you tell me what brand is comfy   I have been wearing Brooks sneakers for a couple years because they are super comfy. I need to get some leather work boots/shoes before my dumb ass gets hurt again in tennis shoes.   So please suggest a brand and style so I can look them up, if ya'll have any suggestions . Tennis shoes/sneakers dont last long enough for what I do for a living. I rip the outsides of them to pieces, so I think I will invest in some decent leather boots for a change ..    What do you wear for work on your feetus ? 

Flippers everywhere

   In the Georgia case where Trump is charged with interfering with the election, things are not going well for his team.   The third Person and the second attorney just PLEAD GUILTY and will testify against TRUMP in Georgia and in the Federal cases .. That was part of the plea agreement.   I want to see the Trump tard legal experts explain how he gets out of this one.   Trump interfered with an election. He should go to prison.   

Flipper strikes Trump again

   Sidney Powell pleads guilty to 6 misdemeanors and agrees to testify against all the other traitors including Trump.   You MAGA retards can spin this anyway you want. But when you and your LAWYER get charged with a crime and the lawyer snitches on you, you are fucked.     This message was brought to you by a conservative American who hates traitors. 


   Bears should not be abused for sexual exploitation. Have you ever seen a bear, in real life or in a cartoon that was fully clothed ?     In this 1960s smut film shown above, Yogi makes a proposition to BooBoo.   Yogi ate more dicks than any other poor creature in the entertainment business. Maybe even more than Trump.     I am sorry, but when two of the main characters only wear a tie and the female cast member runs around topless in a miniskirt, ITS A FUCKING PORN !!!!!      Did you know that you were exploiting bears and being exposed to porn when you watched Yogi Bear ?    The world is a crazy place. I suggest you smoke more pot. 

Republicans eat more dicks

    The fake "conservative" Republican party has been eating many dicks lately.   Trumps Lawyer in Washington D.C. ate a dick today. He filed an appeal to Trumps gag order and he was informed that he was not a member of the correct bar to practice in that court. Thats like Lawyer 101 .. first week of law school stuff .... LOL   Good luck with your great lawyers Trump. Trump is a traitorous criminal and he is getting quite adept at eating dicks.   In the House of Representatives, the Republicans hold the majority. The Democrat leader got more votes for Speaker of the house than any Republican did ...   NICE DICK TO EAT>>> YOU MAGA ASSHOLES ...     All supporters of Trump can kiss my ass ... YOU TRAITOROUS ASSHOLES ...  I CANT WAIT FOR HIM TO GO TO PRISON  FUCK YOU IF YOU DISAGREE 

Catchphrases & Slogans

  Post famous catchphrases, slogans or taglines that you find interesting. Post one liners and have others guess. Your choice. 

How Many People Have You Kissed In Your Life Time?

  Have you ever heard the term "kissing bandit"? Apparently there was a real one years back. Her name was Morganna and she would run on the field during a game and kiss the players. The police had to always take her away but never seemed bothered by it. From the time you were young, how many people do you think you kissed in your life time? Are you a kissing bandit?

Woman of the Year Awards at the 421th

     2023 has been a great year for women. Some magazines try to make controversial choices when picking the woman of the year just to increase circulation. We dont pull such stunts at the 421th  So let me name our winner and the reasons she is a winner and then a nice word for the runner ups.   Mat is the winner. I am sure that many of you are not surprised and a few of you are probably a little jealous. I understand.   Mat encapsulates everything a woman at the 421th should be.  She shot 7 deer this year. She guts them on the side of the road with an old rusty knife her grandpa took off a dead Japanese soldier. Thats patriotic and recycling. That is why Mat is woman of the year.   Everyone has a special picture of Mat. She is one of the most photogenic women on the internet.   Then there was that night she got into the wine. That Karaoke machine never sounded as good as when Mat was singing her rendition of " dude looks like a lady"   Just thinking about it brings a tear to