
Showing posts from October, 2024

If you could make a countries flag

 What country would it be? Would you make your own country and make your own flag ?      What if you are an American and you want to redo the flag for Australia ?   This would be a cool flag .   When America was a young country, some here made their own flags.   I think Australia is having trouble deciding on a flag or something.   We could really help them out .....   Mozambique has an AK 47 on their flag   Thats kinda cool   What do you think? Got any cool ideas ? 

Trumps Greatest hits.


Weddings, Kids and growing old.

      We recently attended my nieces wedding.  My Niece was a beautiful bride and her husband looks like the perfect match for her.    They had two little ring boys and two little flower girls, They were all dressed up and so frigging cute.    I also realized that we get to sit in the front at all the family weddings now.   When I was a kid, I always sat in the back of a wedding like all the kids ... I remember that my grandma and grandpa would get the good seats in the front.   As I was sitting there in the front row I was thinking about my grandparents. Where they would be sitting and how they would look. Of course they are gone now.   Then I looked at my sisters and my wife. We are the grand parents now. We are the old people who will be remembered as always getting to sit in the front.    In other news besides thinking of mortality at a wedding... My son is dating a beautiful  young lady who is from eastern Europe. It was my first time meeting her. After the wedding I told him that

Did Trump lose the 2020 election ?

 J.D. Vance is such a pathetic little spineless turd, that he wont answer the question.   Do you want to know why ? I will tell you.   Trump has been telling lies about the 2020 election. Trump supporters believe anything their orange rapist tells them.   So does Vance know the election is legit? Of course he does. Why wont he answer ?   Because if he says yes ... Then he is calling his fat boss a liar. If he says no ... He looks like he is supporting a traitorous insurrectionist... BECAUSE HE IS   Trump lost the election. Trump has had four years to prove the election was stolen ... what has he proved ... ?   He proved that he is a traitor.   This blog is moderated by an American Libertarian and an Englishman with conservative values. So please remember that when you start to insult the Democrats ...  YOU FUCKING MAGA RETARDS   And unlike Trump .... I HAVE PROOF  You can watch the videos for yourself 

Trump bibles made in China

     Trumps "God bless the U.S.A." bibles are made in China.  Because, of course they were. .  Trump is such a fucking Hypocrite on so many levels.   It still amazes me how many stupid people follow him and his make believe bullshit.   I cant wait until this election is over. Trump will be in prison. Most Trump supporters can then go back to collecting their disability checks and fucking their first cousins.   As a Libertarian, I am looking forward to being able to complain about the policies of a Democrat and not worry about Trump selling secrets to the Russians in exchange for a compliment and a hamburger     FUCK TRUMP    FUCK MAGA RETARDS   What do you think ? 

W.N.B.A Championships

   I think the WNBA is having a championship now or soon.   I would give you my insights and opinions if I had any. I don't. No one watches or knows anything about the womens National Basketball Association.   I dont even watch mens basketball. Why would I watch a bunch of people play basketball if they were not good enough to beat a decent boys high school team ?    And that is why no one wants to watch Womens basketball. Unless you are a female basketball player or a really tall lesbian, you probably have no knowledge or interest in the WNBA.   I am not saying there is anything wrong with Lesbians or female basketball players. What I am saying is that if I want to watch sports, I will watch the men. I am neither a tall lesbian or a female basketball player.   Are you a tall Lesbian Basketball player ? If so, please leave your comments and opinions below.  


   When this election is all over, law and order loving conservatives will laugh as the leaders of the MAGA Conspiracy cult end up in a prison cell.   I recently posted an article about the election denying activities of a clerk of records in Colorado. That dumb bitch got 9 years in prison.   I wonder if Trump will put some money on her books and help her to pay for an appeal because she listened to his lies.   Just kidding, Trump does not give a shit about that Idiot woman. She will sit in a place like this for many years     Please show your support of MAGA criminals by posting conspiracy based horseshit in defense of Trump and his criminal ways. Many of you tards already do.  Time is running out MAGA.. Tick Tock mother fuckers 

Tina Peters gets 9 years in prison for Trump lies.

   For anyone who wants to get a good laugh at a really stupid fucking person, I suggest you look into Tina Peters.   Tina Peters  (AKA DUMB TRUMP BITCH)  Was found guilty of : 3 counts of attempting to influence a public official  Conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation  Official misconduct  Violation of duty  Failure to comply with an order of the secretary of state.        This is what a judge looks like when he calls out all your Trump lies and bullshit to your face before he gives you 9 years in prison.  LMFAO   What she did was to become Clerk and Recorder for her county. Then she became a conspiracy retard and gave access to voting machines to people who should have had no access. She made fake I.D.s and told many lies.  She never took the classes for the job she had and she had no idea what she was really doing.   She even told the judge that she should not go to prison because criminals live there and she needs her magnetic mattress.  I am not making this up  TRUMP SUPPORT

Celebrating bald men

     Some men go bald. It can happen at different ages.    \    Life is too short for short hair.   Get a hat, shave that shit, grow a beard to compensate ....   Get some crazy hair graphs in the 70s and 80s ....  Trump did   Do it your way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What do you think ? 

Jan 6th A horrible shit stain on America

     As a non republican "conservative", I find the Republicans lack of respect for law and order disturbing.   I have voted for Republicans many times in the past. Those days are OVER.  You idiots went from the party of small government to the party of Space Force and 8 trillion added to the budget while you give tax breaks to the rich.   You guys kinda suck for people who used to be "conservative"   Being in Trumps retard cult does not make you a conservative by any usage of the word previously used.   Even Mike Pence called you assholes out when it happened.   Lots of people still going to federal prison for Jan 6th crimes everyday. It makes me happy     FUCK TRAITORS     FUCK TRUMP  AND FUCK YOU 


   As a red blooded American man who spent most of his life living in the South East, I became a big fan of black Women.     As a second generation American, I can appreciate all the different people that inhabit this great nation of ours.       Diversity is a strength, not a weakness. Embrace diversity and never give into fear and hatred.    This has been a special 421 community message for all the incel Trump supporters who log in from their moms basements.   

Trumptards Unite

    I was speaking with my son last night. We agreed that Trump supporters are too stupid to reason with at this point in time.   So what are our options? Me and my son agreed that the only reasonable way to treat them is with mockery and shame.   Trump is an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon and he tried to overturn a LEGIT election. Those are all FACTS . One of you Trumptards please tell me when I say something inacurate.   So today we celebrate EATING THE DOGS AND THE CATS AND THE POEPLE WHO LIVE THERE .....   If you support Trump... You are a moron and I will mock you. Thanks for the laugh you fucking morons.    Please remember that the author of this thread is a Libertarian. Your hatred of Democrats is shared by me. So attacking Harris will not be a legit defense of Trump. Ha Ha HA Fuck you traitorous Trumptard assholes