
Showing posts from February, 2025

Libertarian Coffee with Ashli Babbitt

      There are two things in this world that I love.  Coffee and the fact that Ashli Babbitt got shot and killed on January 6th, 2021.     As coffee prices rise faster than ever and Trump takes a huge shit on the American economy while helping his rich friends stuff their pockets, Trumptards will tell you that higher coffee prices are good for the economy.  Thats why I always have my coffee with Ashli Babbitt.  Because even the dumbest Trump supporter cant argue with Ashli Babbitt. They can try, but Ashli will remain as dead as that coffee bean after you roast it.    The funniest stuff on the internet now is all the Trump supporters crying about losing their Federal jobs. I find that shit quite amusing as a Libertarian.    The other videos that are quite funny are the Trump supporters who have family members deported. That shit makes me laugh.    We have two more years of Trump before he gets impeached...

Stan interviews Ashli Babbitt

     Stan recently had a chance to visit hell and interview Ashli Babbitt. This is that interview.   Stan: Hello Ashli, how are you today?  Ashli : Is that a trick question? I am in hell. Stan : Besides your present address, do you have any regrets about listening to Donald Trumps Lies about the 2020 election?   Ashli: No, Trump won the 2020 election. I read about it on twitter, so it must be true.  Stan: Ashli, you are one stupid bitch and I am glad you are currently rotting in hell.   Ashli: Thats what everyone says.    Dont worry if you are a Trump supporter. There is still plenty of room in hell for you. 

United Nations Vote

   On Monday the United States joined North Korea, Russia and Belarus in opposing a resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.     Why would Trump want to side with Russia and North Korea? Why would a freedom loving nation not want to declare Russia's Invasion as a bad thing?   So not only does over 50% of America now hate Trump supporters but now most of the freedom loving world hates Trump and America.   Good job you MAGA assholes. Do you think Trump will move to North Korea or Russia before he turns America into North Korea or Russia?    Trump brings shame on our nation. Can one of you assholes explain to me how Ukraine is responsible for invading Ukraine with Russian Troops?  Thanks in advance even though none of you assholes explained this the other day ...  Fuck you assholes. MAGA=Nazi Wannabes  My opinion   

28% Golf

   Trump is lying to America and telling everyone he is going to fix the economy as interest rates rise and his threats of tariffs make the stock market tank.   Dont worry, he is still blaming everything on Biden. I bet he blames his small penis on Biden.  Trump and his African sidekick, Adolph Musk, are getting the waste out of government.   Trump has spent 28% of his time as President on golf courses or his Golf resorts. This costs millions of dollars a day for extra security.   Trump rents out rooms on his resort to the Secret service. He makes tens of thousands .. maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars every time he goes golfing on Americas dime.    You MAGA idiots are really idiots.  Thank you for making me feel smart.     Where does 28% golf fit into a responsible budget?  Thanks for the laugh you fucking morons.  


   Duck Hunt was a video game made by Nintendo and released in 1984.   Hunting ducks is fun on video games and in real life.    Do you know how to identify a duck before you blow his fucking head off ?   I DO :) 


     If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.     Can you pick out the duck ?    


   Trump is such a god damned delusional dumb fuck that he thinks Putin and Kim Jung Un are decent people while calling President Volodymyr Zelensky a dictator.        Trump is a wanna be fascist.  Trump supporters are the dumbest mother fuckers on Earth and you bring shame on our nation.   You elected Donald Trump so I am not surprised that you think Zelensky is a dictator. You ignorant cucks are really fucking shit up.   As a Libertarian, I find great joy in you dumbasses making your ignorance so obvious. For that, I will always be thankful.   You stupid, disgustingly ignorant, mouth breathing mother fuckers.   If you are a Trump supporter who is American, you are a worthless piece of SHIT !   If you are a Trump supporter who is not American, ... Just shut the fuck up you ignorant dipshit.   My opinion .... Go fuck yourself and your wanna be fascist fucktards .        ...

Oh Canada.

    Canada. They are polite, and they don't take prisoners.    Canada is a huge nation with some of the worlds best people.  Canada is also a Commonwealth Nation. You retard MAGA fucks might want to google that. Any war started against Canada would involve the U.K. and Australia in about 3.2 seconds.  And the U.K. has their own nukes for a reason.    Canada recently became the most Important non European country in N.A.T.O. if not probably the most important member of N.A.T.O. now that the United States is run by an orange fascist wannabe and his retard minions.   I love Canadians and so should you!   Congratulations Canada, have a nice day.   

What is a Libertarian ?

 A Libertarian is someone who believes in minimal government intervention in people's lives, emphasizing individual freedom, personal responsibility, and voluntary cooperation. They advocate for free markets, limited government, and the protection of private property and civil liberties, often supporting policies that reduce taxes, regulations, and government control. Libertarians value personal choice and autonomy, seeking to limit state power to only protecting individuals' rights to life, liberty, and property.                    WWW.LP.ORG         

Trumps says Ukraine started the war

 Trump said in a press conference that Ukraine started the war.   I can understand how Trump would think that Ukraine invaded Ukraine with Russian troops twice in ten years. BECAUSE TRUMP IS A SLIMY MORON.   I cant wait for all the retarded rapist supporters to explain this shit today. Its so clever how Ukraine invaded their own country twice just to get foreign aid.   The Ukrainians started a war against a nation with what was suspected to be the second strongest military in the world. What a brilliant plan on the Ukrainians part. Ukraine started a war of attrition with a country full of Slavs who specialize in wars of attrition and a population almost 4 times bigger.   WHAT A BRILLIANT MOVE FROM TRUMP TO FIGURE ALL THIS OUT ON HIS OWN ( sarcasm is lost on Trump people because they are fucking morons)  If you think Ukraine started this war ... well then, your father should have pulled out.  You stupid mother fucker.   I h...

Trump Releases Epstein Files !!!!!!!!!!

      The title was click bait and a lie. Trump will never release anything about Jeffrey Epstein.   When asked about the Jeffery Epstein files Trump said he would not release them. He seemed kind of nervous as he thought of a good answer.   He did not have a good answer. He said lots of people could get hurt.  Like him and BILL CLINTON...   The bottom one is Clinton getting a massage by a 20 something  girl who sued Epstein on his way somewhere in a private part of the Airport.   So why would Trump not release these files if he knows Clinton would look bad ?  A few of Epstein's victims worked at Mar-Largo or whatever the fuck that beach front crack castle is called.   WHAT DO YOU THINK ?     ANYONE WHO VOTED FOR THIS CRIMINAL SHOULD FEEL SHAME...  Most dont because they are some combination of evil and stupid    

Thomas Matthew Crooks

    If Thomas Crooks would have had better access to better quality glasses, world history might have changed.   Probably for the better    This is a very funny joke about Trump getting his head almost blown off.   I love making jokes about watching that fat bastard take his last breath.  The day the orange rapist dies, I will throw a party for all the retard Republicans I know and make them feel better by giving them all a can of beanie weenies.   You know they love little weennies.... They voted for Trump  The bright part of this is knowing that Trump is 78 years old and fat. He cant last that much longer regardless.   Do you know any good jokes about Trump getting his head removed?  If you know one ... Leave it here .   HAve a great day :)     We support the first amendment and the ability to tell anyone to fuck off   Enjoy the 421st   


      If you are an Australian and you use this blog, we need to talk.   As an American, I am a fan of the people of your nation. Let me list the reasons.   1.You guys have the best cuss words of any English speaking country.  2. Your soldiers fight almost as well as Canadians and that is not an insult if you know how Canadians fight.  3. Your country is a continent and that is cool and you guys have lots of cool animals and I love Koala bears   I just wanted to list those things so that you did not think that I did not have an objective opinion.   But now we need to talk about politics.  If you are an Australian on this blog giving unwanted opinions to Americans about our political situation, you can fuck right off to the Great Barrier Reef and wait for a shark.  If you want to give me your Australian opinion on Thai bar girls or how to outrun a kangaroo... I am all ears ....  BUT>>>>>>...

Dirty Democrat loved by MAGA

   The Mayor of New York is a Democratic scum bag. He had been charged with corruption for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts in exchange for favors.   Eric Adams was facing additional charges of interference before the DOJ dropped all charges against him.   This was not before 6 prosecutors in New York resigned. Why did these 6 lawyers resign? Because dropping the charges against Adams for political favors is ILLEGAL as hell and instead of partaking in an illegal action ... they resigned.  What is the DOJs excuse to drop the charges ? They said something about Adams helping with immigration. That makes no fucking sense unless the laws mean shit to these people.  The governor of New York could remove the Mayor of NYC but she has not so far. The Democrats in New York might need to stop electing scum bags.   The DOJ finally got someone to drop the charges against him as all the prosecutors refused to drop charges. A large gro...

Fuck I.C.E. Fuck Trump. Fuck all the criminals

      I.C.E. recently stated that they would be looking into the  internet for people who speak badly of ICE and Trump  They said they would be looking for people who could potentially be dangerous   Stan wrote this thread.  Stan often makes jokes about Donald Trump getting killed. Very funny jokes.   Stan is a former police officer.   Stan is a Libertarian . Just in case anyone at I.C.E. is not busy destroying peoples lives they should definitely look into me .   Some people are so stupid that they voted for Trump.   I voted for the guy who can own guns legally..  If anyone with a blog needs to be reported to ICE and the FBI ... ITs probably me and this blog   I would report me .... If I were you   FUCK ICE .....  FUCK TRUMP  FUCK ALL THE CRIMINALS  AND FUCK YOU     Stan Loves the first two amendments   FUCK YOU CRIMINAL MAGA FUCKS 

Pizza, for idiots

    As a member of the Anti Pizza Defamation League, I have some things to say.   The shit talking about Pizza on this blog is unbelievable. You would think that every person who posts here was a manager at Pizza Hut.      I would just like to say that me and a guy named Little Caesar takes care of the pizza around my house.    What do you think?  Is the pizza hatred going to destroy this blog ?    Can Pizza be saved?