TRANSformers and Other Timeless Toys

Remember when you were young and things were less complicated then? Boys were boys and girls were girls and we got along well despite our differences? Sometimes some solid fundamentals stay true and this goes too! Trucks and dolls. LEGO’s and rocking horses. There is so many timeless toys that warm our hearts when we think back to playing with them. It brings us back to time of happiness. In our house, legos are still a hit. It could be a dull rainy day but if I pull out some LEGO’s or Jenga blocks, it’s funny how quickly an Ipad or video game will be put down to ask “why do you have this out?” Before we know it, we’re building and laughing at who’s build is the best and who has the worst. What toys did you enjoy playing with growing up? Peace & Love, GG