
Showing posts from March, 2022

TRANSformers and Other Timeless Toys

Remember when you were young and things were less complicated then? Boys were boys and girls were girls and we got along well despite our differences? Sometimes some solid fundamentals stay true and this goes too! Trucks and dolls. LEGO’s and rocking horses. There is so many timeless toys that warm our hearts when we think back to playing with them. It brings us back to time of happiness. In our house, legos are still a hit. It could be a dull rainy day but if I pull out some LEGO’s or Jenga blocks, it’s funny how quickly an Ipad or video game will be put down to ask “why do you have this out?” Before we know it, we’re building and laughing at who’s build is the best and who has the worst. What toys did you enjoy playing with growing up? Peace & Love, GG

Meat on a Stick

 The other day while playing on the bloggersphere I heard a disturbing rumor: Republicans don't like corn dogs?!? Can this be true? How can anyone not like corn dogs? They are American as Baseball and apple pie! Sounds to me like a Russian psyop plot to undermine faith in our country and institutions! While I am going on about meat on a stick and stick based food in general do you, my fine readers have any favorites?  Shish Kebabs on the back yard grill? Or do you restrict your food on a stick to the County Fair? Let us know what you think! Have some fun and enjoy the day and don't go Full Karen! You Never go Full Karen! BOB

The Root of Money

From Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand: Francisco d'Anconia’s Speech on Money from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (1957)   "So you think that money is the root of all evil?" said Francisco d'Anconia . "Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?  "When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears not all the guns in the world can transform t...

This is NOT your safe space this is the 421st!

  There has been a lot of whining and crying lately because some posters of different political views have been showing up here at the Glorious Dumpster Fire. All I can say is "It sucks to be you_" This is NOT your safe place. There is no crying in baseball. If you come here put your big girl panties on. Not only will you see opinions you do not like but you will be met with scorn and ridiculed if you act like a nancypants about it! This is what freedom of all about. This is what the 421st is all about. This is what Stan is all about. So grow up, quit your crying, and try to have some fun. If you start feeling triggered and butthurt when you realize this is not an echo chamber built just for you remember these sage words: BOB PS: Kathy Griffith is a no talent hack that never got off the d-list and is still trying to be relevant. I find her crying about potential violence against  "comedians" hilarious. I guess she has no sense of irony to go along with her...

Sunday Morning Open Forum

 Good Morning Everyone! It is Sunday morning. I have been up all night working on my truck and my brain is too mushy to be creative so just chit chat on anything you want. LOL! BOB

The Glorious Firefly

 Hello Kiddies! This is just a quick post to cover the never ending lag on Disqus. I was going to write a followup to yesterdays OP but that will have to wait for a day or two (don't worry Karen you will get the attention you seek). I am still working on 'ol Betsey I came across a few extra issues that need to be addressed when replacing the transmission. Last night as I was wrapping up I was pleasantly surprised. It has just turned dark and behold the woods were lit up! Yes the fireflies, AKA lightning bugs, were out! During the daytime they are an unassuming little creature But at nighttime they are a thing to behold! It takes me back to my childhood when we would chase and catch them. One of the small simple joys of living in the country that city dwellers will never know. That's all for now BOB

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  Per the DSM, NPD includes: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and with lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by at least five of the following: Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements, expects to be recognized as superior without actually completing the achievements) Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, or perfect love. Believes that they are "special" and can only be understood by or should only associate with other special people (or institutions). Requires excessive admiration. Has a sense of entitlement, such as an unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment or compliance with his or her expectations). Is exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends. Lacks empathy and is unwilling to identify with the needs of others. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them. Shows arrogant, haughty b...

March 23, 1743

First performance of Händel’s Messiah in London, an Oratorio (This is part 2 of Bob’s music thread). 

Lovecraft and Vancouver Punk

 Today's post is to introduce everyone to one of my favorite bands; Darkest of the Hillside Thickets. They are a H.P. Lovecraft inspired punk band out of Vancouver (that's in Canada for the Americans who do not know geography). Some of my favorite songs by them are Insmouth Look 20 Minutes of Oxygen Operation Get The Hell Out Of Here And Digging Up The World to name a few. Toren  Atkinson    lead singer of the band also did an execlent podcast Caustic Soda that I can not recommended enough He also has a new podcast Toren's Guide to everything Check out the Videos and Podcasts and Enjoy! BOB

March 21st In History

In 2006 on this day Twitter went live and had been enriching the binary political discourse since through passionate propagandists on both sides of the partisan divide.  The overnight sensation even hosted “president” Trump, permanently banned by the platform January 8, 2021 but lately enjoying spotlight  there by proxy:

Sunday High Tea at the 421st

  Since the women here have decided to turn the 421st from the rockus dumpster fire into a high tea social I have decided to change my ways and be nice and loving to everyone. Please join the ladies and have a nice chat while sipping tea and nibbling finger sandwiches. If you require anything our two eunuchs will be servers for this function. This will be an outdoor event so if any pesky birds fly overhead be sure to cover your cups so they don't leave any dropping in them. For the men (if there are any left) we do ask that when using the facilities that you sit down to pee. It upsets the ladies when you do not. If you get board with the hen circle I have included some boobs to look at.   I will be in the corner having my Bloody Mary and a Snit. BOB

Ode to the Boob

 I can across this lovely little poem and thought to share it with you all: Original Author An Ode to the Boob They jiggle they bounce they wiggle and sway Mounds of perfection on chests as they lay Whether large ones or small ones or ones in between Call them breasts call them boobies or fun bags supreme The size doesn’t matter nor does what they’re named Flash a pair at a man and he’ll soon be quite tamed Young lads become speechless and old farts will smile When a pair is popped out with wink and some wile We care not if they’re natural or enhanced quite a bit The thing that we wonder is can we play with the tit So excuse us our glares our sly looks and our leers But they’d be so much better if they’d just dispense beers BOB


  Great Barrier Reef hit by sixth mass bleaching event. The lead scientist, Pony, based in Sydney, had predicted all events and warned PM Morrison a few years back but the Australian Government sat on their hands about this danger to marine life and is now frantically scrambling to salvage this natural wonder. Pony had been retained by PM Morrison as an authority in this endeavor. Stay tuned.

Bloody Mary and a Snit

 In the US a snit is a measurement of alcohol, 3 oz or 2 jiggers. In the Northern Midwest it is popular to get a small side of beer (a Snit) along with the Bloody Mary. A Pony is another unit of measure amounting to 1 oz. It takes 3 Ponies to make one Snit. So don't be a Nancy Pants and order a Snit next time you get a Bloody Mary! Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss BOB

Changes with Disqus and New Rule at 412 st

 Hello to everyone at the great Internet dumpster fire better know as the 421 st. If you are not aware Disqus has changed how they handle blocked users. It used to be that when you blocked a user you would no longer see any of their posts. With the change you can not see their posts and they can not see yours. This interesting change does have a side effect from a mod management view point. If a mod is blocked by a user then he/she can no longer see what is being posted. This makes it difficult to do the intended job of a moderator.  Stan has few rules here: No doxxing No Real World Threats No penitrative porn Thats it. Stan is very proud of keeping this place open for free speech as is the mod team here. Due to this change with disqus we are requesting that commenters do not block members of the mod team and if you currently have any mods block to unblock them. Our Current Mod Team: Stan (Blog Owner) Pony Paul Mat Ursa Molly Leslie GG Eri Bob I don't think that this should be...

What Makes You Smile?

  Recently our mask mandate as been lifted and while that gives most of us something to smile about, for me, it was actually seeing the smiles of strangers again that made me smile.  There is many things that make me smile in this world that I don't think I could list them all off.  My kids make me laugh and smile the most! I always smile for my children, even when things are not great because I owe them that from me. Even when they are in their most miserable teen moods, I smile and tell them 'I love you' because I need to be that person for them. My kids have seen me cry, they have seen me mad but the best thing I can give them, besides my heart, is my smile. A smile can reassure us at times when other things in life seem uncertain. A smile is always free but its rich in value! As far as objects go, flowers make me smile and so does feeling  the sun on my face. Chocolate makes me fat but it too makes me smile.  What makes you smile? What event, person or thing...

National De-Transition Awareness Day

  Are you aware about de-transitioning?  Most folks are not because the voices of the trans gender warriors have drowned out  this reality within their community. Speaking about such realities is met with a hush hush voice when it need not be. De-transitioning numbers are vastly increasing  and the trans community needs to be able to speak about this as well as the medical community. Ignoring the voices of the de-trans only hurts the trans community and our ability to trust our doctors. There is no shame when someone  honestly comes forward and says "I made a mistake". We should applaud such bravery in the same way we applaud someone admitting their alcoholism and the harm it causes themselves and others around them.  Like the addict, these folks need support and the medical community needs to do their due diligence in investigating why this happening so we never again unnecessarily hack up the body parts of otherwise healthy men and women. No one is the WR...

Tom Selleck Fashion Guru

  I am here today to sing the praises of a truely America fashion: The Hawaiian Shirt! I have always loved the Hawaiian shirt for summer casuaul wear. Lightweight, comfortable, and most importantly its irreverent style.  Its use of color and patterns that tell the world that "I doesn't care what you think, I'm chill and enjoying life suckers!" So what do you think of my beloved Hawaiian Shirts? Love them, hate them? Do you own any or have any  favorites? Post your pictures and thoughts below. BOB


Few mods at 421st have embarked on censoring posted content by filing phrases in the word filter, which they deem personally offensive to their egos and do not desire to discuss in the open.   This blog is no longer the final frontier of online freedom of expression since butthurt mods run the forum.

Fun And Games!

  There’s been a lot of talk from some around here about what they imagine people and entire races are packing in their pants.  So today I thought we could play a fun game.  Post two pictures   First is the person you are imagining  Second picture is what you fantasize their junk looks like It’s simple and fun! Have a blast with your imagination 

National False Teeth Day

 “Somebody” complained about the content of my other OP. So I opened this one about a subject that is near and dear to that old man’s heart .................................................................................... The above thread was authored by Zartan some time ago. 3/9/22  Do you have any false teeth stories ? When I was little I remember thinking that old people had teeth like that so they were easier to brush. It made perfect sense at the time.    I never let a good blog draft go to waste when I am out of ideas.  George Washington had false teeth. He also had 18 slaves when he was 18 years old. They never taught us that part in school.   Thank you Zartan Nasa Force Jesus loves you