
Showing posts from June, 2022

Vinny Nostradamus!

  Have you ever heard of Vinny Nostradamus?  Vinny Nostradamus is best known for predicting the future fate of fellow disqus users. He has even predicted the date of their demise!  Vinny Nostradamus uses various techniques to come up with such prophecies. One such technique involves holding his guitar ill properly while dragging his tiny fingers up and down the neck of the guitar attempting to reach each string with his tiny digits. Because his hands are so small the process takes a full  3-4 minutes to complete but once complete each horrific sound released gets translated to various letters and numbers which he then pieces together in order to predict who will meet a horrific fate and who will survive! Vinny Nostradamus. Prophecy or phoney baloney?  Will we see July? 

Not Wednesday: Tell Others What To Do Day

It seems like some people like to tell others how they HAVE to respond/act here on disqus. Here is your open forum to have your say.  Do it now!!! I order you!!!!!!!!!!

Monday is say anything you want day

  Every day is say anything you want day at this blog.   I dont have time to write anything decent or interesting, not that I ever do.   Disqus is messed up on my account or something  We have had some new/old people visit this blog and I would just like to remind everyone to keep It under control and remember that we dont ban at this blog for things done at other blogs ....   No threats ... even if they are clever and might not stand up in a court of law ....  No threats ... no doxxing ....  THanks to everyone for keeping this place on the cutting edge of Blog technology 

Welcome to the 421st

 No one is banned here. Nothing is off limits except porn and personal threats.     If you really dislike me and say something about how stupid or wrong I am. I will feature your comment.    The mods here are top notch and they wont have a hissy fit and ban for silly reasons .... They have hissy fits ... but they dont ban anyone.    If you have any suggestions or if you would like to post some original threads I will probably put you on the author list.    I love having a blog where I can say what I want without censorship from moderators.    Thanks to all the mods who keep this place running smooth and thanks to the couple mods who dont do shit ... we know who you are.    Have a great day and say anything you want. I will !   

I love Abortion. Prove me wrong.

   Abortion solves so many problems.    Do you remember the last time you got in a heated discussion with someone so stupid you thought the world would be better if they would have been aborted? I do.    This is why abortion should be legal. It makes me feel better when I talk to stupid people. Without abortion there would be twice as many stupid people to argue with !    I would also like to add, that while all the democrats and republicans had you idiots arguing about abortion .... they have to borrow about .47 cents for every dollar that they spend. They are spending more than ever before ....    You idiots keep arguing about abortion and I will start to pray to my nonexistent god that abortion is legal is all 50 states.    You retarded self rightious left wing douche bags ate a big dick on this one .... Almost as bad as the dick the Republicans are eating in the Jan 6th investigations ....    I just have a few things to say... FUCK REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS and lets make abortion l

GG's Tea Party

  Here is a happy tea party thread just because...... Peace & Love, GG.

How to piss off Democrats and Republicans

    Just say that you are glad that the Supreme Court gave a little power back to the states while you also support a womans right to get abortions or anything else.   That statement makes Democrats and Republicans very upset.   Abortion was not made illegal in the United States.    Abortion laws will now be decided by the state you live in. Just like most laws that apply to you in your everyday life, this one will also be under state control, not federal.     I also suggest that everyone understand the three branches of the Federal Government and how they are supposed to work. I also suggest that everyone learn the difference between state and federal laws.    It seems that many people want to argue about this issue and have no fucking idea how the laws or government work.   I hope this article pisses you Americans off enough to vote and read a book about OUR government ......    This Thread was authored by Stan, just in case anyone had any doubts :) 

Fantastical Friday!

  It's finally Friday, ya freaks. My kids are finishing up school and summer has officially begun....after this last weekend of hockey but you'll have to take my word for it. LOL Do you have and Friday plans? Plans for the weekend? Please share in the comments below!!! Do you remember how you celebrated the last day of school? Did you skip out early? Go on a trip?  This is just a happy open chat or be miserable. Your choice.  Peace & Love, GG

What Do You Want to be Remembered For?

                                                                                  Your sports prowess?                                                                 Singing and Dancing?                                                            A spelling bee champ?  This one's for you URSA!                                                                     Happy Thursday from Molly! 

What do you Always have in your Pocket?

  Women carry purses to hold all their junk. Some men carry man bags for their junk. What do you carry around in your pockets?                                                                                 A knife?                                                                             A lipstick?                                                                Lint? 

What's In A Name?

  “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - Shakespeare Do you like your birth name? Have you ever felt like changing it? Does your real name have an interesting story or any special meaning behind it? When I was born, I was the only one in our family to be given a more english sounding name and I continued that with my kids. No Antonia or Guido for me. LOL. Both children were given their middle name after their great grandparents on their dad's side so the memory of two amazing people live on. What are some of the strangest names you have heard or come across?  How did you come up with your AVI name? Share your answers and anything else that has to do with NAMES......or not. Peace & Love, GG *editors note, Stan added the Peace Eshiet photo *

Are You A Morning Person Or A Night Person?

  Early bird gets the worm? Or are you more of night owl to get things accomplished? Let us know in the comments below! Don't forget to smash that like button and hit the bell for notifications. Oh wait, that's not here. Peace & Love, GG.

Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!

  Happy Father's Day to all the 421st DADS.  Dad's or not, we have a pretty AMAZING group of guys here and I appreciate you all.  Let's celebrate ALL things dads by posting dad jokes & memes, dad stories and songs that relate to dad! Peace & Love, GG. 

Gas Prices suck. What are your plans?

    So the Oil companies are going at out wallets like drunken frat boys at their first strip club. They are going hard and they are having a great time.    Yesterday I found a cheap spot and got gas for $4.29 a gallon. I know this is still not much compared to what Europeans and Australians pay. One part of California had gas for over $7 a gallon. So I wont cry too loud.  But it sucks.    I have started driving a little slower this week. 60-65 mph instead of 70-75. This has improved my gas mileage from around 40 mpg ( miles per gallon for all you foreigners) to around 43 mpg (18.2 KPL).    Has anyone thought about buying an electric car yet ? My next one will definitely be electric at $5 a gallon.  Has anyone thought of trading in that big shitty SUV yet?    The car market is super tight. Ford Motor company is planning for a huge fall off in business in two years ... 2024ish ..   I will save my money and buy a car after the market slows down or crashes. What are you planning ?    The

What Are Some Of The Most Dumbest Things You Have Seen or Read On A Blog/Chat Site?

  The best part about blogs and various chat sites is that everyone has a voice. The worst part about blogs and various chat sites is that everyone has a voice! There truly are some dumb folks out there using the internet. Thankfully, we get to witness such remarks and laugh at them and sometimes their comments or pics can turn into great memes too. In order to do this though, you have to have something called a sense of humour. A healthy sense of humour allows one the ability to point and laugh at things that are silly or stupid. If you do not possess such humour, you are sad and your finger is left wagging. No one likes a wagging finger!!!!! Share in the comments the dumbest remarks you have read on the internet that made you shake your head or laugh your head off! You can post screen shots or just recall a particular situation.....or not.  Peace & Love, GG.

Last Meal

 If the last thing you ate is the only thing you can ever eat again, what are you stuck with?  Before you answer this, go on and eat the last meal you'll ever eat!                                                                 Some Breakfast Pops?                                                       A nice grilled cheese?                                                                  Dinner? 

What Is The Worst Gift You Have Ever Received?

  When it comes to gift giving we always say "it's the thought that counts" but sometimes we have been given a gift that makes us ask "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU BOUGHT THIS?" What is the worst gift you ever received? Have you ever RE-GIFTED? Would you be offended if you got a re-gift? Share your bad gift stories, memes, pics. Peace & Love, GG.

The 90's

  Over 30 years ago it was the 90's. Over 30 years ago! My good ness, it feels like yesterday sometimes. Grunge rock, doc matins....even on the girls and the World Wide Web. World Wide! The 90's was an interesting time in every sense. What TV shows or movies defined the 90's best? What hair or clothing styles did you like? Which ones did you hate? What new technology did you use? What are some of the global or political events from the 90's that you feel changed history?

The 80's

  Over 40 years ago it was the 80's. Over 40 years ago! My goodness, it feels like yesterday sometimes.  Shoulder pads, Big hair, even on the men, Cabbage Patch Dolls and VCR's. The 80's was an interesting time in every sense.  What TV shows or movies defined the 80's best? What hair or clothing styles did you like? Which ones did you hate? What technology did you use? Atari? A VCR? What are some of the global or political  events from the 80's that you feel changed history?